Wednesday 7 August 2024

I Think You Should Look Up The Word ‘Gourmand’…

...I'm pretty sure it doesn't mean what you seem to think it means: 

I don’t want to undermine my international standing as a gourmand (you are, after all, looking at the woman who once ate the entire Bella Italia Valentine’s Day menu on her own, in a single sitting) but I think I may be giving up on so-called “adult food”.


It probably says something about my life, in terms of nutrition, shopping and planning, but this week I have eaten: three packets of Pom-Bear crisps, a bowl of Coco Pops, two Bear yoyo bars, a Petits Filous yoghurt and an ice lolly in the shape of a rocket. They were all absolutely delicious.

Well, you do you, Nell... 


Doonhamer said...

And not just one waaffer theen meent? A bucket full.
I always have to recheck what I have just read when ever I read the word "pom". Fortunately it occurs very rarely. But have the makers of those dodgy Bears deliberately chosen that make to catch the eye?

Bucko said...

I had to look it up, too. And having done so, I clicked through to the article, expecting to see a huge land whale. You've got to be wrong occasionally, I suppose

Anonymous said...

I'm a T2 diabetic so I have to stay fit and also balance my intake of carbohydrates against my activity levels. So it's the morning of a half marathon and I need to do a moderate amount of carb loading but the breakfast buffet at the hotel has a bit of a limited choice. I ended up downing a massive bowl of coco pops. Fast forward an hour and we are having to queue for the race registration and I'm buzzing so much that I can't stand still.

JuliaM said...

" always have to recheck what I have just read when ever I read the word "pom""


"You've got to be wrong occasionally, I suppose"

The exception proves the rule!

"I ended up downing a massive bowl of coco pops. "
