Thursday 29 August 2024

What Fresh Hell Is This?

I had to do 'Mansfield Park' for A level, and I loathed it with a passion. What a 'de-colonised' version would be like I can't even imagine...


Bucko said...

I liked all jane Austens stuff, and i wouldn't touch this with a barge pole

Doonhamer said...

She would dare not use the term " A Fatherless Land". Because despite modern ideas all the children in the former colonies do have fathers.
It is just that they are all migrating to the countries of the former colonisers.

Barbarus said...

There is nothing like studying a good book for an exam to put one off it for life. Might be a good argument for making that thing required reading ...

Bucko said...

@Barabus. Shakespear did that for me. Can't stand anything to do with him now

JuliaM said...

"There is nothing like studying a good book for an exam to put one off it for life. "

True! I had to do 'Jane Eyre' as well. Put me off all the Brontes for life!