Saturday 17 August 2024

Really? It Makes Me Feel Utter Despair...

...when I hear politicians talking about lifting the two-child limit, it makes me feel excited and hopeful.

I suppose it takes a particular mindset to celebrate the forthcoming opportunity to profit from others' hard work. I'm glad I don't have it. 

Even without the limit, we would only be living just a little bit better. The price of everything – gas, electricity, water, council tax – keeps going up, so things would still be very hard. Surviving is so difficult. I wish someone in power would assess the current price of everything and think about how much families actually need to not only get by, but to live on.

I wish that someone would remember that those 'hardworking families who want to live and not just get by' will instead be further impoverished by being taxed to support the feckless like you...

I did used to get some financial support from my children’s father, but that’s all stopped now. My relationship with him was very abusive, and I don’t want to ask him for anything now, as he always expects something in return. For the past 16 years, he and I were on and off – and there were arguments, fights and violence. We’ve separated now, and I’m trying to do what’s right for me and the kids.

You had three kids with him despite all that, and now you want the taxpayer to pay for them? GTFO!

Why can't the 'Guardian' ever find a genuinely deserving case to champion? 


Anonymous said...

I am always surprised about lone parent mothers with more than one child complaining about their ex partner. How long does it take to find out that he was a sit? You have something like 9 months, and in my experience it takes a lot less than that to discover if a man is 'abusive'. To have more than 2 children smacks of having repeated the same mistake more than once.
The problem is, basically, is that slags see the State as a better partner than some scumbag bloke, because they are a mercenary lot.

Anonymous said...

I realise that I could end up with the heavy mob bashing in my door and nicking me for hate speech but, as the birth rate for the majority of genuine citizens drops, that birth rate by members of the religion of peace,with their several wives, seems to increase.
During my time as a county Police officer, in a town with a large Muslim community, it was apparent that quite a few males had several wives, all with children, living in separate social housing. One enterprising chap used to go round to each wife in turn, demand his conjugal rights, and then leave with the child allowances that that wife had been given. Local authority was aware, but as no crime had been committed, no action was ever taken (I assume it was just a coincidence that quite a few in the benefits department were of the same religion). It was left to the taxpayer to further subsidise those wives, and their children. When I retired, it was said he had fathered 9 children. No idea how many since then. Ain't life grand?

Anonymous said...

I suppose Penseive) that they were all cousins too?

JuliaM said...

"You have something like 9 months, and in my experience it takes a lot less than that to discover if a man is 'abusive'."

Probably something you should spend time ascertaining before getting pregnant, in fact.

" the birth rate for the majority of genuine citizens drops, that birth rate by members of the religion of peace,with their several wives, seems to increase."

The UK's only growth 'industry'.

"...they were all cousins too?"

Most likely!