Tuesday 27 August 2024

The New 'Oooh, Me Back!' Has Been Discovered...

One in five patients registered to a pair of GP surgeries in the north of England have long Covid, according to a report that lays bare stark regional inequalities. The north-west of England had higher than average numbers of people reporting long Covid symptoms, with just over one in 20 people (5.5%), followed by the north-east and Yorkshire (5.1%).
The report also found the prevalence of long Covid among the most deprived areas of England was 6.3%, almost double the rate in the least deprived areas.

What a shocker, eh, Reader?  

Dr Stephanie Scott, the lead author of the report and senior lecturer in public health at Newcastle University, said: “Long Covid is a complex condition that goes beyond physical and mental symptoms, affecting other parts of people’s lives including their sense of self and professional identity. This can then lead to experiences of social isolation.
“Currently, there is little evidence-based treatment for long Covid and the health system focuses on symptom management. This needs to change. Our research has offered a glimpse into the reality of what it is like to live with this often-debilitating condition and the knock-on effects it has on people’s personal and professional lives.
“I hope that the evidence presented in this report cuts through to policymakers and gets the attention it deserves so more research into long Covid is funded, and so measures can be put into place which enables employers to better support their workforce with long Covid.”

Sounds a lot like 'Gissa job!' to me, Stephanie... 


Bucko said...

So long covid targets more poor people eh? Back in 2000, normal covid targeted more brown people. What a harrible, discriminatory virus

Anonymous said...

Don't know Dr Scott, but the cynical side of me suggests her report is a "Give me money and I'll put enough panic in it for more grants and funding to continue." .
I wish to investigate whether long covid is a myth, put out by those wishing to continue destabilising our society, so no doubt, some numpty from the Department of Health will soon be knocking on my door with carrier bags full of cash.

Anonymous said...

An acquaintance of mine who sits near me at football complained of "long covid" last season, when I pointed out that his years of sniffing Colombian Marching powder might be a factor, he wasn't massively impressed...

The Jannie said...

Another example of title aggrandisation. of the commonplace. Before the wuflu fiasco we got post-viral syndrome now it's been revalued as "long covid". I don't doubt that someone's making money out of it as a result . . .

Matt said...

Anything that is hard to put an accurate diagnosis on is fair game for the scroungers. Bad backs, whiplash, ME/CFS, FMS and now long covid. Why doesn't the NHS just classify chronic boneidleness as a critical illness that can pay out extra dole money?

JuliaM said...

"What a harrible, discriminatory virus"

Isn't it just?

"...so no doubt, some numpty from the Department of Health will soon be knocking on my door with carrier bags full of cash."

I think you'll have a long wait for that!

"...when I pointed out that his years of sniffing Colombian Marching powder might be a factor, he wasn't massively impressed..."


"Another example of title aggrandisation."

Yup! Scary name = more taxpayer cash.

"Why doesn't the NHS just classify chronic boneidleness as a critical illness that can pay out extra dole money?"

We've only just elected Labour, give it a few weeks...