Friday 2 August 2024

How It Started...

Dorset councillors are due to discuss a motion to declare a nature emergency but the presenter said the proposals did not go far enough. In a letter to the authority, Packham said its use of "glyphosate across Dorset’s urban areas is simply mind-boggling". Dorset Council said it welcomed his interest and urged people to watch the meeting on Thursday evening.

, it's going: 

Declaring a nature emergency means the council commits to consider nature recovery in future decision-making. Mr Ireland said: "The issue of glyphosate has been the most controversial clause and has resulted in an in-depth discussion. "As a result the wording has been tweaked to accurately reflect that Dorset green space teams and highways are reluctant users of the herbicide and, when genuine alternatives become available, we will implement them. "I do appreciate we need to get rid of glyphosates but we do have uses where we can't get rid of them completely - Japanese knotweed is one. "I would like to think that by the end of the term of this Liberal Democrat administration, we have eliminated it completely, but now is impossible."

Because Japanese knotweed is more pernicious and harder to get rid of than a bandwagon-jumping BBC celebutard. 

H/T: Ian J via email


Anonymous said...

Selective herbicides are essential for growing crops. Is this guy prepared to give up food to show us that he is serious?


Boganboy said...

I'm sure he's perfectly willing for US to give up OUR food to show he's serious, Stonyground!!

JuliaM said...

"Is this guy prepared to give up food to show us that he is serious?"

Boganboy is spot on here!

"I'm sure he's perfectly willing for US to give up OUR food to show he's serious, Stonyground!!"
