Tuesday 6 August 2024

' Officers have trawled CCTV footage, made house-to-house enquiries and conducted forensic investigations...'

Gosh! Must be a big crime! Assault? Burglary? Shoplifting?

4,185 comments so far and what do you think the ratio of 'FFS! Get a grip!' to 'Yes, this is a good use of police resources' is, Reader? 

H/T: Peter Wells via email


Bucko said...

Keep it up police, keep it up. Keep winning those hearts and minds

Anonymous said...

If they catch this man there's a good chance he will more than likely be from the religion of peace. Could get interesting.

Fahrenheit211 said...

Newham is a crime infested shithole but it seems the police are only willing to police when there's offence given to the symbols of whatever cult the State promotes.

Anonymous said...

F211, you surely aren't suggesting that there is two tier policing going on, that is far right disinformation you are spreading there.

JuliaM said...

"Keep it up police, keep it up. "

They obviously plan to.

"If they catch this man there's a good chance he will more than likely be from the religion of peace. "

In which case it'll be 'catch and release' I'm sure.

"Newham is a crime infested shithole ..."

And destined to stay that way, at this rate.

"...that is far right disinformation you are spreading there."
