Monday 5 August 2024

More Police Thuggery...

A police inspector for Avon and Somerset Police who formerly chaired the National Black Police Association has been dismissed without notice after he assaulted two women while off-duty during a conversation about Meghan Markle. Bristol-based Tola Munro 'completely lost control' when he dragged a woman to the ground before punching her in the face and then hitting a second female, a misconduct panel was told.
Gosh! Any indication he was a thug with no respect for women?

Munro denied the allegations against him and claimed he was acting in self-defence.
As ludicrous an excuse as 'I was just practicing for the Olympics, your honour!'
Gwent Police carried out a criminal investigation into the incident, which happened in May 2023, culminating in the case being referred to the Crown Prosecution Service, which deemed there was insufficient evidence for there to be a realistic prospect of a successful prosecution.

That was handy, eh? 

Superintendent Mark Edgington: 'The burden of proof required for a criminal prosecution and misconduct to be proven is different.
'The panel reached its decision that Inspector Munro assaulted the two women on the balance of probabilities having heard the evidence presented to them. A criminal conviction requires allegations to be proved beyond all reasonable doubt, and the difference between those levels is significant.
'Ultimately, there is no place in policing for an officer who is found to have assaulted any member of the public. Whether on or off-duty, officers and staff must adhere to the standards expected of anyone serving in policing and Inspector Munro failed to do this.
'As an organisation we have carried out a huge amount of work in recent years around the topic of violence against women and girls. Inspector Munro's actions have undermined those efforts and will likely damage public confidence in policing.'

Oh, Mark, you sweet summer child, you actually think there's some left to lose.... 




Anonymous said...

Couldn't find any information whether the two women were black, white, Indian, asian, or members of the First People. Their names (which weren't printed 'for legal reasons') may have given us a clue, but the fact remains this thug beat up two women, something that may be allowed in his culture, but not in a civilised society.
SoT, in my Policing days, we were told off for wearing sunglasses in uniform, unless driving a vehicle, and a Sgt who did that outside a vehicle would find his promotion to Inspector hindered somewhat.

Thurston McCrew said...

I'm all for the cops getting a battering 'oop north at the moment.It's finally payback time for the battle of Orgreave.
And don't forget that duplicitous twat Two-tier Keir took the knee for BLM two days after they'd attacked the cops.
Finally we're taking to the streets and dishing out retribution for the political classes dismal failure on immigration.
Burn baby burn.

Anonymous said...

I think it is very offensive that this man has blacked-up for the photo, when he's clearly a far-right racist white man. You can tell that because he only applied the boot polish part way down his neck.

Anonymous said...

I was at Orgreave, and discovered then, the effects of selective media reporting. During my time deployed on the miners strike, there was never any media mention, though they were invited, of the charity football match between the strikers and the Police (in which we, metaphorically, got a good kicking), to raise money for the strikers children. Neither was there any mention of the Police haversack rations being given out for the kids. Yes, there were confrontations, usually instigated by Scargill's stormtroopers intent on making that illegal strike a political storm, but there was also a guarded relationship. Don't forget that more mines were closed, including two from my neck of woods, by Wilson and Benn (it being both cheaper to import Polish coal and also to put hard currency into the Soviet controlled Eastern European currency, never mind the loss of so many jobs) than were shut down during the Thatcher years. Then, as now, there those agitators stoking the fires of dissent, while the majority just wanted their livelihoods back. Today, those agitators are the ones masked, stood at the back, egging on those people who simply want their country back, and can't understand why successive governments have given preference to the invaders, both Blair's invited invaders, and the more recent small boat invaders, making us second class citizens in our own land.
When Starker and the ginger kings took the knee for BLM, and refused to call them out when they rioted, the writing was on the wall. When no one told the Muslims of Batley to stop threatening the life of the teacher who showed an image of the raping murderer they call a prophet, that writing became more pronounced, and it showed which way the political elite were leaning, possibly based on Peter's Principle.
I think it was in 2006 when Rachel Reeves said that unless this unrestricted immigration was stopped, there would be riots, but no one listened, and they are not listening now, and we are all in a situation where our political masters, from all sides of the spectrum, are still blaming those who simply want their country, it's values, and it's way of life, back. There are some things worth fighting for.
Rant over.

JuliaM said...

"...but the fact remains this thug beat up two women, something that may be allowed in his culture, but not in a civilised society."

The Paris Olympics has entered the chat.

"And don't forget that duplicitous twat Two-tier Keir took the knee for BLM two days after they'd attacked the cops."

Never forgetting that!

"I think it is very offensive that this man has blacked-up for the photo, when he's clearly a far-right racist white man. "


"...and discovered then, the effects of selective media reporting"

No social media back then. I wonder if things would have been different if there had been?