Tuesday 6 August 2024

Who’s A Clever Boy Then?

A man who was denied his graduation for 41 years because of an unpaid bill of £64.80 relating to a parrot has finally donned his cap and gown on the same day as his son.
Jonny Clothier studied architecture at the University of Bristol and was meant to graduate with his peers in 1983. But his old flatmate had a parrot which, after being left unsupervised, had free run of their university accommodation and was said to have wrecked the place. The students found alternative housing but still had to settle the final term’s rent of £64.80, which Clothier refused to pay. A long-since abolished rule meant that students with unpaid accommodation bills were awarded degrees but were not allowed to graduate.
But now they've waived the bill. Is he grateful? Reader, what do you think?
Clothier, 62, who lives in Petersfield, Hampshire, said he viewed the unpaid bill as an “ultra-long-term, interest-free loan”. “They haven’t mentioned the money, so I’m keeping quiet,” he said. It means Clothier, his wife Helen Hill, 60, and their three children have all graduated from the University of Bristol.

Thanks for letting future employers know you can’t be trusted, Jonny!  

Clothier left architecture and also went to work in TV, as a director and executive producer, but has since returned to his former subject and is building a contemporary net-zero treehouse in the Forest of Dean.

At this point, I’m rolling my eyes pretty hard…but there’s more! 

Their eldest son, Quito, graduated with a degree in music in 2020. He is an operatic tenor in London and works as an art dealer specialising in the work of Banksy.

Gosh, his workday must be action-packed. 

The couple’s daughter, Tiger, graduated in law in 2023 and was a ski instructor in Japan before embarking on a career in marketing.

Is there no beginning to the achievements of this family? 

Carter, who is looking for a career in sustainability having recently represented England at lacrosse in Portugal, said: “It’s definitely a unique experience graduating with your dad, but it was an amazing day and a beautiful ceremony.”

The entire family should get a group ticket for that ‘B’ Ark…. 


James Higham said...

Their eldest son Quito?

My eyes rolling now.

Bucko said...

There must be a decent pot of family money somewhere, if they're all just pretending at working.

Anonymous said...

To be fair, if it was his housemate's parrot, why did the bill land in his lap? It seems to me that he would have been justified in saying why aren't you going after the guy who actually owns the effing parrot?

I think that Bucko has a point though. The Devil makes work for idle bastards who get an allowance from mummy and daddy.

L fairfax said...

That is the equivalent of £214.50 now - according to the bank of England calculator - shows how much more rent has increased than inflation as I am pretty sure that students at Bristol don't pay £650 p.a in rent today

JuliaM said...

"My eyes rolling now."

Welcome to my world! Most people use a book of baby names, he appears to have used an atlas!

"There must be a decent pot of family money somewhere, if they're all just pretending at working."

It's the only explanation.

"To be fair, if it was his housemate's parrot, why did the bill land in his lap?"

I think because it was a 'joint tenancy' equivalent.

"...shows how much more rent has increased than inflation..."

Doesn't it just!