Tuesday 12 August 2008

Watchdog Turns Rabid...

...time to remind them what happened to Old Yeller:
Britain's 'snooping' watchdog has called on councils to spy on people's phone records more often.
The reason? Apparantly, possessing certain powers means you have to use them, or they atrophy, or something:
However, Sir Paul said that not enough councils were making use of their powers to obtain communications data from other people. Just 154 local authorities out of more than 410 councils in England and Wales used the powers last year. Sir Paul said many more should use them, but did not suggest which crimes the technology would be suitable for.
No doubt the new 'crimes' of littering, feeding birds and having a nicer house than a local councillor will be top of the list...


John M Ward said...

It's all in pursuance of the Socialist "Big Brother" superstate that is being ushered in by the EU and outfits such as Common Purpose.

Inch by inch our liberties are to be deliberately eroded, and Britain's surveillance state -- already one of the worst in the world -- is planned to increase its influence, power and intrusion into people's daily lives.

None of this is unexpected by those of us who have been watching what is going with the knowledge of its origins, causes and intentions.

If only the rest of the country would wake up to what is going on, and petition thw Queen for a dissolution of Parliament so that a new Government could be elected, we would at least be on the way to stopping the progress of this erosion of our nation. Not that Cameron and Co. are perfect in this regard themselves; but they are the only realistic hope our country has.

Anonymous said...

"If only the rest of the country would wake up to what is going on..."


Anonymous said...

Let me guess, this 'watchdog' isn't getting the number of requests they've planned for, and is trying to drum up business so their budget won't get cut next year.

Anonymous said...

"Let me guess, this 'watchdog' isn't getting the number of requests they've planned for, and is trying to drum up business so their budget won't get cut next year."

I expect so. God forbid we put an arm of government out to grass, after all, even a 'watchdog'...