Friday 12 June 2009

"He doesn't learn from his experiences. It is a chronic condition."

That's the conclusion of consultant psychiatrist May Badee regarding the mentally ill man who stabbed a six year old neighbour as he played in his garden:
He had been involved in a number of previous incidents of unprovoked random violence using weapons and no amount of therapy or medication would improve his condition, she said.
It looks like Joseph Hutton wasn't the only one incapable of learning from experience.


Sue said...

This is the second stabbing incident by some mentally deficient moron. That poor pregnant girl just got murdered by one.

It's this stupid governments policy of care in the community. We need to lock nutters away or the community is at risk!

Von Spreuth said...

Sue said...
It's this stupid governments policy of care in the community.


Much as I would like tzo blame everything from the defeat of King Harald, some bastard running over my gold fish, to the AIDS epidemic on Incapability Brown and his gang of non performing apes, it was the CONSERVATIVES that brought in "Care in the community" in 1990.

Von Brandenburg-Preußen.

Von Brandenburg-Preußen

Dr Melvin T Gray said...

I hesitate spoiling the plot of Murder by Oops - but death does not arrive until the final chapter. Detained until pronounced cured(again)he is released into the community and.....

JuliaM said...

" was the CONSERVATIVES that brought in "Care in the community" in 1990."

Sadly true.

David Duff said...

Why don't they ever stab psychiatrists? Can they not be trained? It would certainly cut down on the 'release into the community' decisions.

Rob said...

If it is still employed by this government after twelve years, it can rightly be described as their policy too.

"detained indefinitely under the Mental Health Act"

Out in two years, tops.

Dr Evil said...

There used to be secure asylums for nutters like this. Why are we as a country so miserly when it comes to spending money to protect society from these people and indeed to protect these people from themselves?