Monday 29 June 2009

Post Of The Month

This month, there can be only one - Laban Tall's post on the utter wreck of our once proud educational system.

Read it and weep...


Jeff Wood said...

I see that in the comments there is some discussion of the philological distinction between "despotic" and "tyranny".

Call me thick, and many do, but I feel use of the two words gives two clues to the meaning of the question asked, and philology be damned.

A couple of lifetimes ago, maybe three, I sat my (Scottish) Higher Mathematics. One of the questions was actually wrong, in that it could not be answered. What most of us did was restate the question as it should have been framed, and answered it correctly.

Now, I suspect, the "students" would wet their pants and burst into tears.

JuliaM said...

"Now, I suspect, the "students" would wet their pants and burst into tears."

And then get on Facebook to whine about how unfair it all was...