Saturday 20 June 2009

Age Un-Concern

It seems another fakecharity is pleading poverty in the recession, and looking for a (further) government handout to keep going:
More than 60 furious elderly residents have signed a petition protesting against the planned closure of their activity centre.

Members of Active Age, at Park Centre, in Rectory Road, Dagenham say they are angry and distraught, to hear their club, run by Age Concern Barking and Dagenham, may shut for good in three months.
And theirs isn’t the only one:
Last week the POST wrote about Age Concern's proposal to end the Active Age service, which is run at seven separate centres across the borough and offers a host of activities, including bowling, dancing and outings.

The charity say they have been hit by the credit crunch and can no longer afford to cover the rent and staff costs, especially, they say, as the council have decreased their subsidies.
Hmmm, nothing to do with the fact that concentrating on the lucrative ‘frail and elderly’ targets instead nets them even more money from the government?

And if costs are such an issue, how come their staffing levels (looking just at Barking and Dagenham) are on the increase despite the decrease in centres?
The furious Park Centre members, who sent their petition to the POST, say many elderly people will lose a vital life line if their club shut.

Doris Thornton, 73, said: "It's ever such a happy club and a great place to meet friends and have a laugh. If you are feeling down or lonely, which many elderly people do, it is the perfect place to go as you always feel better afterwards."
But you see, Mrs Thornton, you aren’t worth the money to Age Concern to be kept healthy and active – you are worth far more to them in government targets, and hence subsidies, if you are frail or depressed.

So, when Age Concern roll out another of their high profile campaigns, think of the people they are cutting off here, and don’t reach for your wallet.
Members of all the clubs have been told they would need to raise £8000 for each centre, and increase the weekly membership fees.

Many now hope the council, who funded the entire service until 2002, will step in to help.
And this seems likely:
Councillor Herbert Collins, Executive Member for Adult Services and Public Health, said: "This came as a real surprise as we have always enjoyed an effective working relationship with Age Concern. A number of residents have told us that they would like to keep this service going and we are now urgently looking at ways in which that can be done.

"In these tough times, it is important that the council and its partners tackle issues of this nature together and that there is a joined up approach.
Sadly, with the government planning to hive off more and more of its services to unaccountable and unelected charities, this is going to happen more and more often…


Paul said...

I have dealt with Age Concern before - expertise-sapping useless parasites to a man, woman and child.

Angry Exile said...

Charitable organizations = good.

Government funded organizations that just call themselves charities = bad.

JuliaM said...

"I have dealt with Age Concern before - expertise-sapping useless parasites to a man, woman and child."

What struck me was the number and variety of staff roles!

James Higham said...

This is an issue close to my heart and that these sorts of people are at the top and going down the same path of 'oh we're so poor, give us money or we'll shut down services' is appalling.

Destroy the economy and we might get back in two generations. Destroy the vulnerable and your legacy will live on in infamy.

Von Spreuth. said...

James Higham said...
going down the same path of 'oh we're so poor, give us money or we'll shut down services' is appalling.

But the general thory works. Look at North Korea.

We are poor and need another couple of billion to wall paper Kim, ill pukes bedroom, if you don't give it us we may just have to accidentaly make an atom bomb....AGAIN.

Or certain "interests" in the U.K (And the rest of Western Euroope, I may add, "If you do not do XYZ, you may find our communitys will riot uncontrolably".

The whole bloody world runs on threats these days. No wonder "democcracy" is dead, and no one bothers voting. They know, who even has the biggest threat gets exactly what they want, no matter HOW small a minority they are.

And "charitys" have learned the lesson well.

Von Brandenburg-Preußen.

Rob said...

I expect these clubs are nowhere near "vibrant and diverse" enough to deserve council or Age Not Concerned At All funding.

Come on, those leaflets on council cat protection schemes won't translate themselves into Urdu, you know!

James Higham said...

Put that way, von Spreuth ....

Dangerouslysubversivedad said...

"I expect these clubs are nowhere near "vibrant and diverse" enough to deserve council or Age Not Concerned At All funding"

I'll also lay you money they are in wards with BNP Councillors, too...punishment?