Saturday 6 June 2009

Wait, What?

So, if a shopkeeper expects his immigrant customers to speak English (as he does, being an immigrant himself) he’s a horrible, horrible man who should (and did) lose his job. Does that work the other way round too?

Well, what do you know?
A Turkish shopkeeper has been banned from selling alcohol and told he can only have his licence back if he starts speaking English.

Hasan Sengoz, who runs Mesapotamia, in York Place, Brighton, was hit with the unusual ban this week after being caught serving under 18s three times in five months.
Oh, it’s different now, is it...?
He claimed he had been unable to question customers about their ages properly because he only spoke Turkish.
Of course he did, of course he did....
When The Argus visited Mr Sengoz yesterday he was unable to speak about the situation. He took a telephone number and said he would ask his English-speaking daughter to contact the newspaper but she did not call.


Rob Farrington said...

Good job the good reporters on the Argus speak Turkish, otherwise the poor man would have been totally unable to get his side of the story across.

Argus hacks, we salute you!

James Higham said...

Convenient, yes?

Dave H said...

They should take away his licence for repeated selling alcohol to under 18s and then blatantly lying in his defence.

And deal with that idiot councillor who took this manifest bullshit seriously.

Umbongo said...

First things first: I'd be curious to know this guy's immigration status.

JuliaM said...

"Argus hacks, we salute you!"

Heh, indeed...

"They should take away his licence for repeated selling alcohol to under 18s"

Yes, I wonder why they haven't?

"First things first: I'd be curious to know this guy's immigration status."

Me too...

Dr Evil said...

WTF has he a licence to trade in England if the fucker can't speak English? Not on!