Wednesday 24 June 2009

Now, They'll Have To Find Another Excuse...

Parents who want to take photos of their children in school plays or at sports days can once again snap happily away.

The privacy watchdog says authorities that have banned parents taking shots for the family album are wrongly interpreting the rules.
It's cheering, but at the same time, disheartening, that we have to rely on a public body like the Office of the Information Commissioner to tell us all what we already knew, and thereby provide parents with a way to challenge the barmy school rules.

But what took them so long?


Sue said...

Pure idiocy!

In our bid to be politically correct, we have gone too far... ALL health and safety and PC policies need to be seriously looked at!

Anonymous said...

So it doesn't breach the Data Protection Act?

Well that won't change anything, they'll just find some other footling regulation that they claim it DOES breach.

Or just fall back on the "vulnerable children" trump card.

Nothing will change.

JuliaM said...

"...they'll just find some other footling regulation that they claim it DOES breach."

They seem to have led off with this one, so hopefully, it'll take them a while to regroup.

But certainly, while people are reluctant in the main to stand up for their rights, then nothing will change...