Monday 22 June 2009

How Are The Progressives Going To Explain Away This Report?

Gang rape is happening here – and what I have found most disturbing as an African is that a disproportionate number of these attacks are being carried out by black or mixed-race young men.
Sorious Samura is lucky - if a white male journalist was to submit a report like this one, he'd be accused of racism, or lack of understanding of 'black culture'.

But he understands the issues all too well:
Gang rape, while constituting only a tiny percentage of all rapes in the UK, is a horrible reality in this country. The nature of the crime is so appalling that much more research needs to be carried out into its causes. But what seems evident from my investigation is that the key to preventing it will be changing the way young men view women and the kind of group sexual activity they are engaging in at such a young age.
Good luck with that, Sorious, since (as your report admits), no-one's even keeping track of the figures:
Despite the seriousness of the crime, I was amazed to discover that no national statistics exist: gang rape is simply not recorded as a separate crime category.
Funny. It seems to be the only thing no-one wants to keep any stats on...


Rob said...

"the key to preventing it will be changing the way young men view women"

Which young men would that be, then? Oh, he doesn't say. I wonder why.

Anonymous said...

Believe it or not Channel 4 made a programme about this a good five years ago.

The conclusion of the panel that discussed the phenomenon after the programme wast that 'education' was the key!!

Pavlov's Cat said...

"How Are The Progressives Going To Explain Away This Report?"

They can't, not in any way that will not label them as racist to their own righteous ilk.

So it will be ignored.

As for education, I would suggest that we educate our leaders that it's a bad thing to let in people from countries where such behaviour is a national pastime. e.g Somalia, Ethiopia, Yemen, Ivory Coast and so on.

Oldrightie said...

Since our Government is staffed by a Gay Mafia, misogonystic bunch of cretins, are we surprised?

Anonymous said...

It has been happening for years but no one will speak out because of the 'issues'. In Greenwich/Plumstead/Woolwich/Bexley mostly by young Somalians - most vistims were black but they liked to get a lickel white girlie now and then as they perceived them as sluts. SOmeone should ask about how many Somalian male juvies are on each London Borough Sex Offender register - in Greenwich there was one as young as 13/14.

JuliaM said...

"Which young men would that be, then? Oh, he doesn't say."


"The conclusion of the panel that discussed the phenomenon after the programme wast that 'education' was the key!!"

Gah! How's that working out, I wonder...?

"So it will be ignored. "

I must watch the Channel 4 linked documentary at 20:00 tonight. And see if any tv reviewers pick it up in the morning...

"SOmeone should ask about how many Somalian male juvies are on each London Borough Sex Offender register - in Greenwich there was one as young as 13/14."

*sigh* So much for our much-vaunted 'civilisation'...

blueknight said...
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blueknight said...

The Country is being ruined while political correctness has put everyone in denial.
Sooner or later there will be an Emperor's new clothes moment when the public will see things for what they are.

Anonymous said...

As I posted on Mark Wadsworth's post on the same subject, rape was one of the tools used by ANC thugs to intimidate the local populace in the townships.

The power struggle promoted by The World's Favourite Terrorist (and his wife), was not to wrest power from the eeevil white Nationalists, but to ensure that the ANC was the ruling party - in perpetuity.