Tuesday 10 November 2009

Cup Of Reheated Tea, Vicar..?

Looks like WRAP don't want the Consumer Focus mob horning in on their territory any more.

If anyone's going to get ridiculous press releases out there for everyone to mock, it's going to be them:
Consumers are throwing away too many discarded cups of tea and coffee, fizzy drinks that have gone flat and fruit juices past their best-before dates, said Wrap, the Government-funded waste watchdog.

Re-heating a cup of coffee or tea in the microwave is about five-times better for the environment than making a fresh one, Wrap calculated.
Why am I funding these goons with my taxes? Why?

Their director can't help condemning himself out of his own mouth either, saying on the one hand:
Richard Swannell, the director of retail at Wrap, said: "It all adds up – 50ml here and 20 grams there. One of the main reasons why people throw food and drink away is a lack of awareness.

"This is not about nagging people. It is about telling them about the opportunity to save money. And if we reduce carbon emissions, that's a good side effect."
And then later admitting:
Mr Swannell admitted that reheating cups of tea would not save consumers all that much money, but most shoppers did not realise the amount of resources that went into producing a single tea bag.

"The key thing – let's be frank – is not the money saved with reheating the odd cup of tea. But there is quite a lot of energy that goes into producing that cup, if you go back along the supply chain, to the growing of the tea bushes, the processing at the tea plant, the packaging, the distribution to the retailers."
Cretin. Can't even stick to a prepared script...


TDK said...

most shoppers did not realise the amount of resources that went into producing a single tea bag.

If only there was some way to reflect the amount of resources.

Perhaps someone can invent some commodity for exchange that reflects the amount of resources and effort that goes into producing that tea bag. The same commodity could (and I admit this is a leap into the dark) be used to reflect the value of the electricity.

If only they did this we would know exactly how much resource was being wasted when we pour yesterday's tea down the drain.

We can dream!

Weekend Yachtsman said...

If it's not the money, what the hell is it? Why else would you care about waste?

These people are goons.

"It may cost you more and taste disgusting, but we'd like you to reheat old coffee and try to drink it."

Because we are idiots. And we assume you are too.

Anonymous said...

Microwaved cold coffee is aint great but it's tolerable. Microwaved tea is vile.

woman on a raft said...

If (when) I've mislaid my tea they know to go and look for it in the microwave.

It's such a regular thing that the theory is the machine is really a replicator malfunctioning so it only produces a luke-warm cup of fluid with a suspicious pale slick floating on the surface.

Davidncl is right though - it's vile. I ought to get the contraption fixed so that at least I can have cool cupasoup with soggy croutons and a skin. Just like-a momma used-a to make-a.

Anonymous said...

Would it be too much to ask this Swannell fuckwit to stick his head in a microwave for about 6 minutes?

Anonymous said...

Would it be too much to ask this Swannell fuckwit to stick his head in a microwave for about 6 minutes?

Your question presupposes that he hasn't already done this. I suggest the evidence proves otherwise.

MTG said...

Henry, do you spurn the simplicity of a polythene bag over the head in favour of a suicide that is almost impossible for a host of technical reasons?

Anonymous said...

Year 2008/9: WRAP had five executives earning over £100k each. One (the CEO) got nearly £200k including "performance related pay". The total cost to taxpayers of WRAP is £55 million.

JuliaM said...

"If only there was some way to reflect the amount of resources.

Perhaps someone can invent some commodity for exchange that reflects the amount of resources and effort that goes into producing that tea bag."

Nah, that's crazy talk...

"These people are goons."

Oh, I don't think they are that stupid. We're paying them, aren't we?

"It's such a regular thing that the theory is the machine is really a replicator malfunctioning so it only produces a luke-warm cup of fluid with a suspicious pale slick floating on the surface."

Yuck! :)

"Year 2008/9: WRAP had five executives earning over £100k each."

Nice 'woek' if you can get it. Aren't we glad that Call-Me-Dave plans to end all this when he gets i...


banned said...

WRAP will be telling us that eating our own snot is a more eco friendly way of getting essential salts and amino acids than digging up Cheshire or eating meat.