Tuesday 24 November 2009

Time Of The Month, Yasmin?

She has a truly spectacular rant in the ‘Indy’:
Boorish, brutish sexism has broken out again. Yet again. And, as usual, here come lady cheerleaders, handmaidens to men who have never accepted that half of God's people are fully human and entitled to all that the world has to offer.
Calm down, dear, it’s only a EU appointment…
How these tongues burned and lashed out when Cathy Ashton got the top foreign policy job in the EU. She got it 'cos she is a flippin' woman. Obvious, innit?
Well, it certainly wasn’t down to her high profile, was it?

And as Obo reports, it really does appear to have been the case too...

Now how much of a token does she look?
A Sunday newspaper cartoonist calls Ashton "whatsherface?" Such wit.
It’s funny because it’s true. If it had been an unknown man, there’d be the same reaction.

Had you ever heard of this woman before, then?
Baroness Ashton and I are slightly acquainted, no more, if you need to know that.
The world only feels right when women are removed from the public space. We know that is what the Taliban believes.
Yes, because wondering who the hell gave a complete unknown a top-level post in the EU and, more importantly, why, is tantamount to stoning women in the street for showing a bit of ankle. Apparently.

But there’s no stopping her, she’s really off on one now:
Was I the only person in the world to notice that when the US met China in Beijing, along the long table with Hu Jintao and Barack Obama were all men in dull suits?
I think you were probably the only person in the world who cared enough to watch in the first place…
Everyday I watch British TV (including the BBC which gets substantial licence fee money from those of us with the XX chromosome) and all intrepid travel programme presenters are white and male, most TV chefs and judges too, history, design and games show hosts and so on and on.
Perhaps you’re watching a bit too much TV then, Yasmin?
Jeremy Clarkson and Russell Brand and even coarser creatures cleverly debase women, including our women politicians. They are the "it" boys. They turn their chauvinism into gold.
They ‘pick on those women politicians’ because they are so bloody awful, Yasmin. And people tune in to see it because they are so bloody awful. It’s not simply because they are women.
The world's economy was brought down by careless, greedy men.
Only one sex is responsible for the problems? Only one sex, Yasmin? Are you serious?
Women, said authors of a report on the crisis by the Cranfield School of Management, were not more risk averse but more risk aware. Just what we need. Do we see any sign that that quality is being valued in the financial sector? Do let me know if there is. All I see is still wretchedly low representation of women in our top echelons and progress, compared with say the Scandinavian nations, snail slow.
Oh, give me strength…
The Pope invites anti-women Anglicans to join his properly male church, and they threaten to, encouraged by the now blonde Ann Widdecombe; the adorable Sir Alan Sugar arrives in the Lords, he with his admired retro views on foolish young women who want to work and have a family; a high-achieving scientist reveals she was the upmarket prostitute and blogger Belle De Jour (what does that mean? That you let rich strangers deep into your body and not factory workers? So you make more dough opening your legs? And that makes you more classy?).
And you make a hell of a lot of money opening your mouth without apparently engaging your brain. Who’s serving society’s needs best between you?
Now they are talking here and in the US of the paradox of "declining female happiness". The more powerful we get, the less happy we are. What's more, men are getting happier and women are getting gloomier.
Oh, cheer up love! Go buy yourself a new frock, or something…
The brilliant US columnist Maureen Dowd (Ed: sic, unbelievable as that reads…)deconstructs the findings and suggests that the feminist revolution may have benefited men more than women who have only taken on added burdens – the impossible balance between work and life, time poverty, pressures to be always young and beautiful. Then there is derision and subversion from reactionary men and women which makes the glittering prizes feel both heavy and pointless. Exhausting and debilitating it may be, but the fight must go on.
How selfless and noble of you…
Feminism will get us there one day because we are worth it. And I am not swishing my extensions or pouting my lips as I write that.
Well, thank god for the lack of that mental image…

This has to be one of her worst columns ever. And that’s saying a lot!


manwiddicombe said...

deconstructs the findings and suggests that the feminist revolution may have benefited men more than women who have only taken on added burdens

Is she suggesting there that the whole feminist movement was a plot by eeeevvvviiiillll men?


Anonymous said...

I'm writing to the Advertising Standards Authority about Always feminine hygiene products.

Have a happy period. Pah!

TDK said...

Feminism will get us there one day

Ah the socialist classics: if it isn't working right, don't challenge the assumptions, do it twice as hard.

JuliaM said...

"Ah the socialist classics: if it isn't working right, don't challenge the assumptions, do it twice as hard."


dr cromarty said...

Time of the month,....?

I must try that line on my wife.

Obnoxio The Clown said...

"The world's economy was brought down by careless, greedy men."

Bless! The poor little thing is really worked up, isn't she? And the little mite is, as usual, demonstrably and factually wrong:

The unravelling of the housing market, followed by the credit markets, was, (in my opinion) due to the proliferation of Credit Default Swaps a.k.a CDS’s. CDS’s were invented by a brilliant British woman - Blythe Masters.

Now that we've cleared that up, Yasmin, where's my tea? That is, by the looks of it, all that your fact-checking, superior-to-mere-blogger MSM journalist skills might be good for.

woman on a raft said...

the now blonde Ann Widdecombe...
So you make more dough opening your legs? And that makes you more classy?

A fine display of feminism and sisterly support for women making their own choices there from Yasmin.

JuliaM said...

"A fine display of feminism and sisterly support for women making their own choices there from Yasmin."

I wish I knew where the myth of 'sisterly solidarity' started...

banned said...

As to 'Baroness' Ashtray, she got slagged off for being a labour henchperson nobody; put in place because the big boys did not want the job.
And because she is ugly, just like Rumpy but he's skinny too and looks like Gollum.

Furor Teutonicus said...

Are all people called Brown fuckwits?

North Northwester said...

woman on a raft ...
"...the now blonde Ann Widdecombe...
So you make more dough opening your legs? And that makes you more classy?"

A fine display of feminism and sisterly support for women making their own choices there from Yasmin.

And maybe just a touch of envy? I mean, has anyone ever had a fantasy about being tied down and ravaged by Yasmin Brown's Alibi?