Thursday 6 October 2011

"Do you know where you're going to?"

"Do you like the things that life is showing you?"
Maps are being handed out to people on bail making it crystal clear where they can and cannot go in Southend.
Yes, it's mind-boggling, isn't it?
Sgt Bill Potter, of the town’s beat section, said: “When the recidivists come in day in day out they say the only way they stay out of the town is if we give them these bail conditions.

“They actually say give me that map, they then tell their mates they can’t go into town and steal for them.”
So, partly it's to stop peer pressure..?
“Solicitors were up in arms about it because people were banned from seeing them in their offices, but they’ve got used to the fact that’s what we do.”
And none have yet thought of using the HRA? Wow, we're really backward in Southend!

Top marks to stropmag for best comment of the thread, by the way:
This idea would have been no help to my ex missus. Her map reading skills were non-existent.


Captain Haddock said...

"25% were given a map of Bulgaria and 25% were given a map back to Romania 25% were given a map to Canvey
And the remainder were given a packet of Rizzlas" ...

I thought the above comment, from the original article sums it up quite nicely ..

Macheath said...

Another comment raises a thought-provoking idea:

Billericay Boy says..
"Maps good idear, I hope these nobs have been fitted with a ankle tag so if they make a wrong turn they get a 50,000 volts shock."

While that particular suggestion is not vastly practical (though I'd rather like to see it applied to our local taxi-drivers), a tag for shoplifters that sets off the alarm systems already in place on shop doorways is surely not impossible.

On another - if not wholly unrelated - matter, you might be amused by number 3 on this list...

SBC said...

"but they’ve got used to the fact that’s what we do.”

Uhm since when was it the Policey men's job to put obstacles in the way of people seeking to consult a lawyer? That's a very dangerous precedent and I forsee HRA trouble ahead...infact I'm amazed that they haven't already...what sort of solicitors are they there?

Lynne said...

It could be worse. They could be handing out taxpayer funded SatNav's to the scum.

Lynne said...

Damn that rogue apostrophe!

JuliaM said...

"...a tag for shoplifters that sets off the alarm systems already in place on shop doorways is surely not impossible."

I've been in shops when they've gone off, and the complete lack of interest on the part of the security guard standing right next to the door was rather puzzling.

Perhaps - like car alarms - they go off so often they just get ignored?

"...what sort of solicitors are they there?"

Southend ones!

"It could be worse. "

Gawd, don't give them ideas!