There’s only one way to find out!
Two warring mums have been banned from the playground over their bitter squabbling in front of young pupils.Good grief!
School bosses say they took action to protect pupils after they’d had enough of the parents’ foul-mouthed rants at each other.
They feared the feud could become violent and have even called in police to investigate.
One of parents has a child at the Weston Park Infant School while the other’s daughter goes to the neighbouring junior school.And let me guess….this is ‘so UNFAIR!’ *stamps foot*…?
But now they have been ordered to stay away from the grounds of the school their child does not attend.
Got it in one:
But one of the women believes she has been unfairly victimised, and the ban is putting her young children at risk because she now has to walk along a busy road with them.No, it’s not the ban that’s doing that, love, it’s your own inability to exercise some dignity and self-control…
The exact cause of the row is unclear but both mums have differing accounts of how it started.Yeah, I’ll just bet!
… mum Michelle Kreft said she believes she has been treated unfairly, and is worried for her children’s safety as she has to walk down the busy Newtown Road to get to school.
The 32-year-old has three children, the eldest of which, Hannah, six, goes to the infant school.
She has been told she can’t walk through the junior school site, which provides a shortcut from her home in Wallace Road to the infant school.
Michelle said: “My child can’t even attend an after-school karate class because it’s held at the junior school and I’m banned, it’s ridiculous.
“I’ve also got a two and four-year-old who I do the school run with, and although I’ve done nothing wrong I’ve got to walk two busy roads with no lollipop lady or crossing, and the police have told me it’s dangerous.”Have they? And just how did that crop up in conversation, I wonder?
Was it while they were giving you ‘words of advice’ about the possible consequences for your children of your continuing poor behaviour?
Meanwhile the other mum at the centre of the row, married mum-of three Donna Woodnut, whose youngest child Abbey, eight, attends the junior school, said she just wants the feud to be over.
The 39-year-old, of Staplehurst Close, who works in a nursery, added: “I feel sorry for the school.Yes, yes indeed you should. So, why aren’t you?
“I’m sick and tired of it – we’re adults, we should be carrying on like adults, not children.”
I'm surprised the race card hasn't been played, or is that what she is trying to do?
wv outershn someone saying something?
It's a tough call, but I'd put my money on the skinny one.
How strange. Looking at those pictures you'd think they were both fine upstanding members of the community.
Walking her kids down a busy main road is putting them in danger? A quick check of Street View indicates that the roads involved do seem to have pavements so I'm not seeing the problem.
Would you want your infant sharing a class with someone called Tyrone Woodnut?
Personally, I feel much sympathy for both of these "Ladies" ..
They very much look as if, at one time, their faces have been on fire .. which was extinguished by the judicious use of a large shovel ..
Personally, I feel much sympathy for both of these "Ladies"
I see what you are getting at but personally I have rather more sympathy with their families and neighbours. It's easy to avoid mirrors but hard for other more normal people to avoid this pair.
“I’ve also got a two and four-year-old who I do the school run with, and although I’ve done nothing wrong I’ve got to walk two busy roads with no lollipop lady or crossing, and the police have told me it’s dangerous.”
Looking at the map I can't see that she has to cross any roads.
"married mum-of three"
So unusual it is worth mentioning then!
I hate myself for asking, but can anyone work out what is written down Ms Kreft's arm?
My money is on the one in the top pic. Those forearms are bigger than mine. She'd give most men a run for their money. I wouldn't argue with her.
The other one looks like she would fight dirty but always bet on the big 'un.
Definitely money on the top one - isn't she in the Samoan rugby team?
Hey Julia,
Interesting name the woman has.
Useless fact of the day.
´Kreft´ is Norwegian for ´cancer´.
Just thought you might like to know.
PS `Woodnut´appears to be English for `chavscum´.
PPS Is it just me, or is the Romford facelift combined with the huge, muscular forearms replete with mis-spelled tattoos that Ms Kreft is sporting rather unseemly in a lady?
Ah, see what I did there? I thought she was a lady. Silly me.
..what is written down Ms Kreft's arm?
It's a brave man who zooms in that that close...
"what is written down Ms Kreft's arm?"
Inflate to 30 psi, perhaps?
"I'm surprised the race card hasn't been played..."
I'd say she was keeping it up her sleeve, but...
"A quick check of Street View indicates that the roads involved do seem to have pavements so I'm not seeing the problem."
Mention of potential child endangerment is clearly seen as an unbeatable gambit.
"I hate myself for asking, but can anyone work out what is written down Ms Kreft's arm?"
Sadly not, it pixilates too much if blown up. The writing rather reminds me of the script written inside The One Ring, though!
SBC has a good suggestion :)
"... isn't she in the Samoan rugby team?"
"PS `Woodnut´appears to be English for `chavscum´."
"what is written down Ms Kreft's arm?"
Inflate to 30 psi, perhaps?
...pumping that up - pass the mind bleach
All the above is very funny.
The truth is often overlooked in the press.
1. Ms Kreft actually took the story to the papers as the school took no action for three months when Ms Woodnut was attempting to victimise the Krefts.
2. Woodnut has driven 5 other mothers and children from the schools in 3 years with her hate campaigns.
3. Woodnut had a vendetta out on a teacher at the school, who was suspended for three months, Ms Kreft gave evidence supporting the teacher, who was reinstated with no penalties and that's how the 'feud' started.
4. The school is protecting woodnut as she has a family member working at the school.
5. The police have had many chats with kreft, as she wanted to do things ny the book, and the police will verify that Woodnut was the foul mouthed one, and Ms Kreft has never acted inappropriately in the school grounds.
6. The Echo that ran the story has been ordered by the police to print an apology to Ms Kreft as the story was factually inadequate.
7. Woodnut brought a baseball bat to the junior school as part of her attempt to antagonise Ms Kreft, all caught on school ground CCTV. The police have viewed the schools CCTV and are pressing charges.
8. The real story is to be released in 'Take a break' soon.
9. The tattoo is not misspelled, and Ms Kreft will not play any 'race card' as she is 3rd generation British.
How do I know all this?
I am married to her.
And for the record, I'd put my money on 'the big one' too. :)
"The Echo that ran the story has been ordered by the police to print an apology to Ms Kreft as the story was factually inadequate."
Well, I'd certainly be very interested to know under just what powers.
The police cannot order a newspaper to do anything (even the security services need to secure a 'D' notice to squelch a story).
The Reason they used was slander.. Printed material that is factually incorrect that makes others think less of the person written about.. Just like the majority of people on this blog who have never met her, let alone witnessed the witnessed the event or the three months of victimisation the other woman has bestowed on our family. Also, the police are unhappy as the echo quotes a police source, when the echo never contacted the investigating officer or even the police press officer, but instead took a quote from a PCSO who had no actual knowledge of the ongoing investigation involving plain clothes officers who have been stationed in the schools playgrounds due to the baseball bat CCTV footage.
Anyway, 'the truth will out' as they say.. I'll pop back into this blog to post a link to the apology. In the mean time we will provide our legal representative with this blog page comments to use in evidence against the echo, as it is a direct result of their sensationalist printing to sell papers that has fuelled this debate by the uninformed.
(I find the 'inflate to 30lbs comment hilarious, btw)
I'm curious. Why do you feel the need to deliberately incite a barrage of ridiculous comments from a group of ignorant people?
It would seem that the people who have commented here have little intelligence or much to gain from their own lives if this is what they deem entertaining or a way to pass time.
What you seem to forget here is that your ignorance and bigoted comments are in fact having a effect on a person's life. You have no factual knowledge of this situation and as clearly pointed out by Mrs Kreft's husband, their family has been intimidated by this woman. Ignorance again shows in your stereotypical comments such as suggesting she would play the race card, or that a tattoo automatically assigns her to the Kingdom of the Chav. None of you know how personal that tattoo may be or what it represents.
Clearly the people on this blog need a reality check and to step out of their perfect little bubbles . Perhaps you would all like to upload a photo of yourselves so we can judge you....... No, of course you won't.
woodnutt looks like a bloke or should I say a crack head aids victim , her 15 year old son like his mother has a police record as long as your arm , her 8 year old daughter has been seen in photos on on Facebook rolling her mother a joint , using very colourful language to mrs krefts 6 year old whilst being watched by her mother this list goes on ..... what does that say about this piece of scum .... I wouldn't want it any where near my child in the street let alone a nursery !
I have grown up with Mrs Kreft , I know how she works and believe me its not how any of you ignorant low life's have said , she has never ever used the race card in her life as people respect her to much to bring her race in to it .
I would suggest you low life's actually get a life and leave others alone .
"The Reason they used was slander.."
Slander is a civil matter, not a police matter. They may have strongly hinted that it'd be in the best interests of the newspaper to remedy this with an apology, but they couldn't 'order' it.
"Also, the police are unhappy as the echo quotes a police source, when the echo never contacted the investigating officer or even the police press officer, but instead took a quote from a PCSO.."
That's not uncommon in the newspaper biz, actually, and who can blame them? If the government gives us second-hand 'police officers' it can't really complain.
"Anyway, 'the truth will out' as they say.. I'll pop back into this blog to post a link to the apology."
I'd appreciate that, as I may miss it if it appears in the online 'Echo' if they do as they normally do with the print version, and bury it on page 45!
"I'm curious. Why do you feel the need to deliberately incite a barrage of ridiculous comments from a group of ignorant people? "
I don't 'incite' anything - this is an open blog and I don't censor comments. Excessive foul language might - might - get your comment zapped, but that's all.
This is an inevitable consequence of running to the papers to adjudicate your dispute. Perhaps people should learn that's not a good idea, even if you are in the right?
It's called free speech. If the 'Echo' does indeed print an apology and correction, I'll probably cover that too.
please could you explain to me why you feel the need to get involved in a story that's happened in Southampton when you are Southend/Essex? and why people feel the need to judge people on how they look !!! do you really have no lives ?? Mrs kreft went to the echo as woodnutt was seen to remove a baseball bat from her car and waited for mrs kreft to walk past with her two year old clearly to try scare and intimidate Mrs kreft , the police and school are working together to prosecute woodnutt, so by mrs kreft going to the echo to make people aware of a woman who is clearly unstable by bringing a bat in to school to try protect hers and other children has made her a bad person then you all need to wake up and take your heads out of your own arses !!!
Thanks to the other anonymous comments, I appreciate your informed comments are appreciated, but please
Do not feel the need for arguing my case, as I've said all that needs to be said.
FYI the echo ran a revised story today about my wife on page 9 of the echo, but again the printed no apology, but the story states that we are appealing against the decision, which is such a non-story it's not even worth bothering.. We are hardly going to not appeal! And please, no need to be rude to people on here, they have reacted sensibly given the misinformation they have received. Slightly disappointed in the 'race card' comment, as that reveals a lot more about the person who posted it as a casual racist.
I totally agree with freedom of speech, but it's only worth speaking of matters like this if you are going to argue from an informed standpoint, and it's just as easy to get things right as it is to get things wrong. All the negativity just strengthens our argument that the story the echo printed is unacceptable as it will make people believe the exact opposite of what actually happened. Why be a reporter unless you are unbiased and reveal the facts and views of all involved..
"please could you explain to me why you feel the need to get involved in a story that's happened in Southampton when you are Southend/Essex?"
I wasn't aware I was limited to my own geographical location, anon. This whole 'Internet' concept baffles and confuses you, doesn't it?
"FYI the echo ran a revised story today about my wife on page 9 of the echo, but again the printed no apology..."
If I get the time, I'll check that one out today. To force an apology, you may need to go via the Press Complaints Commission.
" Slightly disappointed in the 'race card' comment, as that reveals a lot more about the person who posted it as a casual racist."
Actually, no, it doesn't. These days it reveals one to be simply a realist.
"Why be a reporter unless you are unbiased and reveal the facts and views of all involved.."
That's a sadly rosy-spectacled view of today's 'journalists', I'm afraid. Most are just doing what they need to do, motivated by a mortgage rather than any deep desire for the truth.
I was also bullied by mrs woodnutt so much so that the police were called to the school when mrs woodnutt and other friends of hers intimidated me. again the situation was so bad for my own safety the police were called and for a month i was not allowed on school grounds incase it sparked another situation... i had to leave my home and uproot my son and take him out of the school due to the bullying antics of mrs woodnutt and her friends. whilst i was bein victimised michelle kreft stood up for me and others that have been victimised by mrs woodnutt. Michelle is an upstandin member of the community and she would not see anyone bullied or intimidated it is my belief that mrs woodnutt should be banned from the school as she has a violent and drug fueled attitude problem (i know this because i have been there and witnessed it)..and to make matters worse the baseball bat weildin bully works in a nursery school would u want this type of person in charge of your child because i am sure i wouldnt!! Michelle should receive an appology from the school and be allowed to walk her children safely to school as usual.
I said - "Slightly disappointed in the 'race card' comment, as that reveals a lot more about the person who posted it as a casual racist."
you said - "Actually, no, it doesn't. These days it reveals one to be simply a realist"
What is that supposed to mean? That EVERYONE with a bit of colour in their skin will claim racism if something isn't quite going the way they want? Your comment is just as racist, if not more so than Ivan's original comment.
I guess I'm falling into a trap of reacting to troll comments. I came on here to redress the balance of ignorance, guesswork, and prejudice by injecting some pure, inarguable truth into the occasion. I also only made comment recently, as I wanted to distinguish my 'anonymous' posts from other anonymous posts.
As I am right in the middle of this unpleasant scenario, I can actually work out who each anonymous person is. I appreciated their input, but just wanted them to keep it low key, without name calling and inciting extra rude/racist/prejudiced comments.
Like I said previously, I will only repost when we have some tangible proof of an outcome that the haters and doubters on here can choke on.
To English viking - Kreft is a polish name, so my wife is part polish, part black. Something that the trainee nazis on here are bound to hate.. But I thought the world had moved on since then.. wait up, did I just use the race card? Am I allowed to do that as I am white? PMSL :)
"What is that supposed to mean? That EVERYONE with a bit of colour in their skin will claim racism if something isn't quite going the way they want? "
No, merely that it's been done so often in the past that it's automatic that it's a consideration in each claim that now needs to be made.
Just as the proliferation of quota systems and 'affirmative action' schemes have now cast doubt on all minorities in positions of influence, no matter how good at their role they may seem.
People will wonder if they really were 'the best person for the job' or if a HR department wonk needed to tick a box.
In seeking to create their version of a 'fairer' society, the progressives have - as usual - screwed the pooch and made a more suspicious and cynical one...
I would also like to add that during my time as a parent at weston park I recall other issues of bullying by mrs woodnutt where the police were involved... infact every arguement and situation seems to involve mrs woodnutt somewhere along the line... having at one point socialised with this creature i saw her bully other people andi also saw on more than 1 occasion her 7yr old as she was at the time rolling a big weed joint for mrs woodnutt... her bullying antis and attacks 2 another neighbour o mine took place infront of all the children on the estate and she would take a baseball bat with her when she was ready to kick off... this woman is a meanace to society and if all the people affected by her and her behaviour were together in a room you would see her for what she really is. As for michelle she has always been a defender of people weaker than herself and less able to defend themselves she has beautiful well behaved well mannered children and a heart of gold she would do anything for any1 so for her 2 be banned when mrs woodnutt was goin 2 attack her with a baseball bat is completely ridiculous and i believe the school owe her an appology and she should be allowed back into the playground.
Rite , for all you ignorant people who judged me on how i look ,how my tattoos are spelt or what ever else you tiny minded people felt the need to pass comments and judgements about me were , i would like to let all you ignorant people know especially the low life d@!k who said " im surprised the race card hasn't been used "that the ban the school put on me has now been lifted and an apology has been given to me and the school has been great and supported me all through this living hell . The other vile thing named Donna woodnutt is being dealt with by the police for the continual harassment, threats and the deliberate attempt of driving head on in to me with my children in the car twice which caused me to swerve almost in to another car . so now you can get off my back and give this vile scum the harassment , judgement , and other rude remarks she deserves and leave me and my family alone or actually GET A LIFE !! michelle kreft !!
The large woman is well known as a trouble maker. She does not do anything with her kids and lies about everything. She sets a diabolical example to her kids on how to behave and be responsible. Feel so sorry for those kids, what chance have they got?
haha this actually cracks me up ...i also had to remove my child from the school because of a certain mrs woodnut...she hasnt a humane bone in her body ...she is a bully thru and thru and the words i would really like to use wouldnt get printed on here ...her kids are trained thugs thanks to her wonderful amazing parenting skills...NOT....she is just scum of the earth!!!
What the slut called Kerry Hampton one of woodnutt fanny lickers trout means by the comment " she does nothing with her kids" is Michelle Don't perform sex acts Infrint of her kids unlike her or use her kids to skin up for her as she's not a slut tramp dyke druggie like Hampton or woodnutt. If Michelle's kids were being bought up so wrongly why is social services not involved with her or her kids like they are with Kerry hamptons or Donna woodnutts ask ya selfs that ?????
Woodnutt is an out an out piece of lowlife scum and i too have sat in a room where her daughter aged 7 at the time rolled a joint for her mother which was smoked infront of the child ad this from a woman who works at a nursery. i have also been at a friends house when mrs woodnutt came round armed with a baseball bat and i wrestled it from her n threw it in a bush. she smashed another neighbour in the face with a cricket bat damaging her teeth. she throws eggs and water bombs in peooples gardens when they r entertainin and at windows too... she used a slingshot 2 fire pellets at my cats. the only way she knows how 2 act is confrontational and agressively with violence havin been removed from a nite club on her friends birthday by the police for starting randomly on someone in the club... and if gbh isnt enough she was speeding at the time and no i dont mean in a car. this woman should b banned from the playground her kids should be in care she should not work with pre schoolers and should be behind bars rotting like the scum she is.
so what i would like to know is where the fuck are donald woodfucks freinds defending her on here ....all i see is strong support for the true victim in all this .......mrs kreft .....obviously evident from this page the nicer person in this ongoing problem..as she has far more support ....even her fucked up cling ons know wot a scumbag she is hahahahahaha.....my money is so on the big 1 ....krefty krefty krefty !!!!!!
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