Thursday 13 October 2011

I Know Just The School For Them!

Two trainee teachers have been told they can return to the classroom despite being caught drink-driving, in possession of a class A drug and committing a violent assault.
Pretty soon, they'll be making it compulsory!
The decision to only reprimand both men was agreed by a panel of GTCE experts after hearing that they had admitted the offences.
How else will this school find suitable staff?


Miss Chips said...


You're probably now asking yourselves, "So what does a trainee teacher have to do to be thrown out?"

As it happens, I know that one: I was kicked out of teacher training college after an argument with my course tutor (I questioned the validity of child-centred learning once too often and was deemed to have a 'negative attitude').

It didn't help, of course, that I have an Oxbridge MA; the same tutor told me firmly on day one "We don't need your sort here, acting like you know it all".

The decision was reversed on appeal, but I was definitely persona non grata for the rest of the year.

Semi-retired chip said...

Miss Chips...

You were clearly guilty of a crime against the mind -- and an established mind at that -- so you had to go.

Anonymous said...

Miss Chips...

Your tutor was definitely wrong..
The correct statement is..."We don't need your sort here, acting like you know mostly all".

JuliaM said...

"The decision was reversed on appeal, but I was definitely persona non grata for the rest of the year."

That, I have to say, explains a hell of a lot about the way our schools are run.

If anyone from it is reading this, they're probably Googling those funny forrin words in slanty type now, to find out what they mean....

"The correct statement is..."We don't need your sort here, acting like you know mostly all"."
