Monday, 28 November 2011

I Guess I Know Why She ‘Doesn’t Want To Be Named’…

A superstore has apologised after shocked children found “appallinghardcore pornographic images on a store’s display iPad.
Currys in New Malden was forced to make the embarrassing apology after the children found the x-rated images when they walked into the electrical store.
Easy to see what’s happened. A malfunction in Curry’s wi-fi system has meant there’s no block on offensive sites, so some wee prankster has browsed to them and left the iPad in ‘display’ mode for the next customer to see.

I mean, it’s entirely possible a disaffected staff member has actually done it, but given the woeful lack of IT savvy shown by the average Currys staffer, probably not…
Their distraught Chessington mother, who did not want to be named, said: “They were only 10 seconds ahead so I was there within a click of a finger but they were on the iPad, which was sitting there fully loaded with hardcore porn.
“You are not talking soft but the most disgusting images. There were maybe 20 images loaded and flashing and changing. It took me a minute to even realise what I was looking at.”
Oh, dear. Well, worse things happen at sea, eh love? It’s certainly not worth going overboard for, is it?
The mother of the children, who range from toddler to teen, complained to the store manager and later to the Currys customer service team. She said the damage had already been done to her children, who will no longer be getting the Apple gadget for Christmas.



Because of this incident, she’s now not going to buy them a tablet computer? Because, what, she thinks they come fully loaded with pr0n..?!?

Good grief, she’s too damn stupid to own a computer of any kind!
She said: “We went out for something happy and we came back appalled. I am absolutely disgusted.
“I was so upset, I have cried for days. I just want the kids to forget it but the youngest does still mention it and laughs. It’s not right.”
*throws hands up in despair*

To borrow the Angry Exile’s favourite phrase, ‘kinell! Forget the tablet PC, this woman's clearly too stupid to have kids...


Angry Exile said...

"It took me a minute to even realise what I was looking at."

Christ, really? How old were the kids, 43 and 45? Surely she must remember.

Captain Haddock said...

"Forget the tablet PC, this woman's clearly too stupid to have kids"...

But apparently, not too stupid to make a mahoosive song & dance about it ..

Were I of an uncharitable disposition, I might well be inclined to believe her motivation to be compensayshun related

Cos like the ambulance-chasing lawyers keep on telling us .. "Where there's blame, there's a claim" ...

Lynne said...

...this woman's clearly too stupid to have kids...

I'm less charitable than CH. The silly bitch is angling for compo and a free iPad.

SBC said...

"“I was so upset, I have cried for days."

Calm down, Dear...just be greatful that it didn't show the apres-hard core-bonking cigarette smoking..your kiddie winkies might already be dying from 3rd hand e-cancer.

SBC said...

*greatful = grateful. Yes I am illiterate. It's Monday. Sue me.

Throbbing Robin said...

So her kids can't have an iPad 'cos there's pron on it. Wow! Thank goodness there is no pron on the average desktop PC, hey?

Get them a Dell. love, 'cos it's bound to be named after 'Dingly Dell.'

Anonymouslemming said...

Cried for days ? Really ?


Woman on a Raft said...

It took me a minute to even realise what I was looking at.”

I've had that - it's a context thing. To this day I'm not sure if it was a freak result on a botanical search I had done or if it was to do with the guilty looking little scrote who had a borrow of the computer.

I've also had a cd of photos come back from the digitisers with images I certainly didn't take. I was so shocked I forgot to file for compo, but no doubt they'd have simply told me it was a free sample. Well, I could see that.

Anonymous said...

Interesting that you should think that she should not react to pornography.
Or not react in a way that you approve.

Angry Exile said...

Interesting that you seem to think that someone who goes all Rita Hayworth about this shouldn't have the piss taken. I doubt anyone has a problem with her having a reaction, and most people would probably talk to the store about it, but escalating it to customer services, not buying an iPad because a different iPad had porn on it and then crying for days before talking to the local paper is a bit disproportionate. Unless there's something in that suggestion that she's angling for a pressie from Santa's compo sack.

JuliaM said...

"Surely she must remember."


"Were I of an uncharitable disposition, I might well be inclined to believe her motivation to be compensayshun related"

Spot on!

" The silly bitch is angling for compo and a free iPad."

Or a competitor's model, guaranteed free from that nasty pr0n..?

"Calm down, Dear...just be greatful that it didn't show the apres-hard core-bonking cigarette smoking.."


JuliaM said...

"Thank goodness there is no pron on the average desktop PC, hey?"


"Cried for days ? Really ?


Oh, that just sums it up, doesn't it?

" To this day I'm not sure if it was a freak result on a botanical search I had done or if it was to do with the guilty looking little scrote who had a borrow of the computer. "


"Interesting that you should think that she should not react to pornography.

Or not react in a way that you approve."

Does anyone really approve of such overblown histrionics? As anonymouslemming points out, this pales into insignificance before some people's woes...