Wednesday, 16 November 2011

Aren’t The Clear Warning Signs On The Packets Enough Of A Clue?

'We want parents to be aware of the danger associated with these innocent looking magnets,' CPSC Chairman Inez Tenenbaum said in the CPSC's release.
'The potential for serious injury and death if multiple magnets are swallowed demands that parents and medical professionals be aware of this hidden hazard and know how to treat a child in distress,' according to the release.
Well, I suppose they could always have read the huge warning labels?

Darwin Awards are going to be fun this year, eh?


Anonymous said...

Bit rich from a country which seems to be generally quite happy with the health risks of lightly regulated mass gun ownership. Magnets don't churn up your intestines, you do by swallowing them or letting your children do so.

Welding flux said...

The biggest danger from swallowing magnets is from the larger ones.

You know, the sort they use in breaker's yards to pick up cars. Swallow one of those and it's really serious!

Tattyfalarr said...

My son swallowed a couple of ball bearings once....he was absolutely fine...I was more worried about the toilet getting smashed when they eventually exited.

JuliaM said...

"Bit rich from a country which seems to be generally quite happy with the health risks of lightly regulated mass gun ownership."

Maybe that's the reason for the excessive caution over the tiny things?

"My son swallowed a couple of ball bearings once....he was absolutely fine..."

Anything small & rounded is unlikely to do much more than pass through the gut - the problem with the magnets is swallowing TWO or more!