Monday 24 December 2012

Let's See Them Enforce The 'No Peeing In The Pool' Rule Too...

Compulsory canine life jackets at pet day care and boarding facilities across Colorado could become reality under rules being drafted by the Pet Animal Care Facilities Program, a division of the Colorado Department of Agriculture.

Yes. And not just lifejackets, there must be a doggy 'Baywatch' too!
The draft rules state that "every dog must wear a personal flotation device while in or while having access to a pool area whenever the pool water is deeper than the height of the dog at its shoulder."
They also stipulate that the pool must have at least one lifeguard on duty to watch over the bedraggled barkers.
I'd say they jumped the shark here, but, well...


Ranter said...

Dear JuliaM- - Merry Christmas thanks for continuing to test my blood pressure throughout this year. No doubt 2013 will see more and more and more and more of this sort of thing - Down with this sort of thing!

John Pickworth said...

I'm a bit confused... if the dog is wearing a floatation device does than mean I have to add more bricks to the sack before flinging it into the canal?

See what I did there?

Anyway, a puppy isn't just for Xmas. They also make great sandwiches on Boxing Day ;-)

Ancient + Tattered Airman said...

That is so stupid it is guaranteed to be enforced over here soon!

Anonymous said...

I sincerely hope your Christmas is as exciting as mine is, so far. You would think that A&E wouldn't be so busy on Christmas Eve. The doctors said I should be OK in time, but can I give you a word of warning. The Dyson Ball Cleaner has a very misleading name!
Merry Christmas, especially Melv and Noggy.

ivan said...

I can see my Newfoundland being overjoyed by that idea - not.

In fact doing something like that is more likely to cause the dog to drown because it upsets their natural balance in the water.

JuliaM said...

"No doubt 2013 will see more and more and more and more of this sort of thing..."

I think it's going to be a 'we can top THAT!' challenge...

"That is so stupid it is guaranteed to be enforced over here soon!"

What America starts, we get later...

"...but can I give you a word of warning. The Dyson Ball Cleaner has a very misleading name!"