Monday 4 May 2015

Tell Me Again How Our ‘Housing Crisis’ Has Nothing To Do With Immigration…

Go on. I dare you:
Two thirds of the new homes created in Britain since 1997 have a foreign–born head of the household, according to a new survey.
Figures based on a national survey showed that out of 2.7 million households created in the country over the period, nearly 1.8 million had a senior figure who was born outside the UK.
Hmmm. What happened in 1997, I wonder?
The report was based on data from the Labour Force Survey, compiled by the Office for National Statistics, which showed that in 1997 there were just under 24 million households with birthplace data available.
Of those, 1.98 million were headed by a foreign-born person. In data from 2014 the number of households had risen to 26.5 million and the number foreign-born to 3.73 million.
*snaps fingers* Oh! That’s right! Labour decided to import themselves a whole new electorate!

Now I remember…


Ed P said...

It's hilarious how the best laid plans (of corrupt politicians) have gone awry.
A lot of those immigrants will now vote SNP - how ungrateful they've become to their benefactors - the kind, caring Labour party who only wanted their votes.

The Jannie said...

My only comment would be there is a difference between housing and homes. New homes are often set up in existing housing. New houses aren't set up in existing homes . . . if you disregard Lego!

Ted Treen said...

Clever but twisted idea:- if the electorate reject you, import sufficient to overrule them & to hell with the native British.

In times gone by, their heads would be on stakes by the city walls. The good old days, perhaps?

James Higham said...

Two days to go to make our point.

JuliaM said...

"A lot of those immigrants will now vote SNP..."

You were right!

"In times gone by, their heads would be on stakes by the city walls. The good old days, perhaps?"

Yup :/

"Two days to go to make our point."

And we did... ;)