Monday, 30 November 2015

Why Is This Ignored By The MSM?

Two young men were believed to have been mown down in Charles Street, Ravensthorpe, last night after a man in a suspicious car was confronted by residents.
The man, at the wheel of a Vauxhall Insignia Estate, sped off down the narrow, one-way residential street, veering onto the pavement, striking two youths and smashing down the side of an Audi.
The driver then jumped out of the car and fled across the Ravensthorpe Gyratory and onto the Ravensthorpe Shopping Park.
Chased by a group of locals he sprinted into the Subway store and locked himself in the toilet.
Staff called police and three officers were left fearing for their own safety trying to keep an angry crowd at bay outside.
A baying mob? Vigilantes threatening police officers? Accusations that the police aren't doing their job, and residents are taking the law into their own hands?

This should be headlines, surely?

Why isn't it?
Residents told the Examiner that the Asian community felt under siege because of robbers targeting homes in Dewsbury, Savile Town and Batley.
Ah. OK. Never mind.


Budvar said...

My home village.. Bottom line is, if it was Leeds Utd fans or striking miners (You know white people), it would have been a case of release the hounds, charges with police horses and nicking as many as they could carry. When it's members of the "Local Community"? Then they wonder why they carry on..

Andy said...

OK, the erstwhile nationality/culture of both victims and perpetrators may alter thing a wee bit, but the expression "taking the law into their own hands" makes my blood boil. The law IS in our own hands. This is a free country. I, and maybe you, are freeborn Englishmen/women/whatever. The police can only police us with our permission, and do so according to our wants and needs. Anyway, that's how it's supposed to be. I just hate that phrase, every time it's used it creates the belief that the law is NOT in our own hands. Sorry, ranting again.

Ted Treen said...

In the newspaper:- “Some of these victims have been in their 80s. How would you feel if that was your mum?”

To which I reply:- “Some of our victims have been in their early and pre-teens. How would you feel if that was your daughter?”...

...and ours have lost a damned sight more than a bit of unhallmarked tat...

JuliaM said...

"Bottom line is, if it was Leeds Utd fans or striking miners (You know white people), it would have been a case of release the hounds, charges with police horses and nicking as many as they could carry."

I suspect you're right.

"...the expression "taking the law into their own hands" makes my blood boil. The law IS in our own hands. "

The police would rather you left it to them. They have to put bread on the table, after all.

"To which I reply:- “Some of our victims have been in their early and pre-teens. How would you feel if that was your daughter?”..."

Well said!