Thursday 31 December 2015

And I Hope He Tells You To Take The Sex And Travel Option…

A market trader will be asked to stop selling ‘Golly doll’ merchandise after a complaint was made to Epping Town Council.
At a meeting last night (December 8), councillors voted to take the move after considering how offensive the design is to many people.
‘Asked to’..?
The council stopped short of banning the items outright, after councillors including Tony Church and Alan Smith described it as “an extremely dangerous precedent to set” .
But it was decided to ask the trader to stop selling the items, with councillor Dawn Baird saying: “It has been brought to our attention and it does have racist connotations… whether there was one or 100 complaints we know what the connotations are.”
I suspect the ‘dangerous precedent’ referred to is the chance the council will be sued.

Dear god, do these people have nothing better to do..?


Longrider said...

And he can ask them which orifice they would like their golly stuffed.

Fahrenheit211 said...

This sort of story makes me want to buy a Golly for my baby son, just to fuck off the prissy, censorious, social justice warriors, who mean well, I know I used to be a Leftie, but who have come from a left that has become determined to suck every bit of life out of, well, life. That's not the freedom I marched for. Slightly on topic, I'm noticing a lot more people willing to express a growing level of fucked-offedness about what is happening, and that is something that should be applauded.

I hope that 2016 brings abour a peaceful resolution to the world's Bearded savage problems, but I fear that will nto be the case. I'm going tostep away from the keyboard adn away from thebottle. Happy New Year all, and especially to the landlady.

JuliaM said...

"And he can ask them which orifice they would like their golly stuffed."


"This sort of story makes me want to buy a Golly for my baby son, just to fuck off the prissy, censorious, social justice warriors.."

Yup, me too! And I'm seeing a bit more kicking against the traces, too. Let's hope it continues!