Tuesday, 15 August 2017

Those Awful, Savage Cuts To NHS Mental Health Services…

In a public outreach exercise that revealed the distress suffered by those closest to the tragedy, health professionals visited thousands of people from the area to determine if they needed help from the NHS.
The Central and North West London NHS Foundation Trust said staff had knocked on 2,200 doors in the west London neighbourhood and that 600 people, including 100 children, had been referred to the mental health services.
Wait, I thought they were stretched to breaking point? How come you've got time to go out soliciting for business? 


Greencoat said...

Well, something must be done for (or to) all those deluded people who voted for Brexit....

Ted Treen said...

So democracy is only valid when its results conform to your beliefs/prejudices, and any difference of opinion is 'deluded'. I'm guessing you are somewhat left of centre.

Oswald Thake said...

I think Mr. Greencoat forgot the sarc/ off.

Greencoat said...

Yes; it appears my sarcasm was a mis-fire with Ted. I must do better.

Anonymous said...

The first question the people monitored probably asked was, "Is it free?" and when told it was, decided they did, indeed, need therapy. Armed with this, they can then claim extra benefits as traumatised and suffering from PTSD (not knowing what it means, apart from a way of getting extra cash). It's just a shame that no one thought of asking the taxpayers, who are funding this exercise on futility, how traumatised they felt.

Ted Treen said...

Greencoat, multiple apologies. As an extremely sarcastic old bugger myself, I should have recognised yours. I can only assume my mental capacity was temporarily diminished. Mea culpa...

JuliaM said...

"Well, something must be done for (or to) all those deluded people who voted for Brexit...."


"The first question the people monitored probably asked was, "Is it free?"..."

In several different languages..