Friday 25 September 2020

It's Always The Quiet Ones, Isn't It?

And when it's not them, it's the former government employees: 

The 54-year-old, who had a PhD in neuroscience and said he previously worked at Government facility Porton Down, suffered from bipolar affective disorder, the court was told.

But are we sure he was crazy? 

He told police he had also written a letter to Boris Johnson criticising his attitude to Russia...

Hmmm, not convinced. 

...and a letter to then Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn in which he praised him.

Ah. OK then. 

Mark Pritchard, defending, said Doyle had been living with agoraphobia since 2013 following the death of a friend.

How'd he get out to the post office then? 

Joseph Allman, prosecuting, said when police raided Doyle's home in Fir Street they found more than 245,000 indecent images of children on a laptop.



microdave said...

"It's Always The Quiet Ones, Isn't It?"

Another favourite quote from neighbours, when interviewed by the press is:

"They were such nice, normal people, always kept themselves to themselves"...

Anonymous said...

In the past, you ruined someone by suggesting that they were queer. Now, queer isn't a weapon. Paedophile is, and increasingly, racist, being descended from slave-owners (as are most black and brown people in this country, and not most whites), misogynist, or some other faked-up outrage.

How the hell do you amass a quarter of a million images? At 10 seconds a piece and 8 hours per day it would take 85 days to view them

Anonymous said...

Pity it was fake.

JuliaM said...

"..."They were such nice, normal people, always kept themselves to themselves""

I expect to hear that about the Sri Lankan family which produced the latest cop murderer...

"How the hell do you amass a quarter of a million images? "

He clearly had a lot of time on his hands.

"Pity it was fake."

She's toxic enough...