Saturday 19 September 2020

Because Social Workers Have A Better Reputation For Competence?

Joseph Gordon-Levitt could be the model of a modern movie star...

Hmmm, this is in the 'Guardian', so....OK!’s the politics that get Gordon-Levitt really animated. Project Power was mostly shot in 2018, before the killing of George Floyd and the mass Black Lives Matter protests in the US. He has clearly anticipated the issue: “It means something different to be playing a police officer now than it did in 2018. But, on the other hand, it’s nothing new at all. These same exact tragedies have been happening my entire life.”

Have they really? 

He talks at length about the beating of Rodney King in Los Angeles in 1991 and the US’s long history of racial injustice. He voices his support for Black Lives Matter and the principle of defunding the police, but also his appreciation for the hard work that most police officers do.

Funny how all these luvvies can speak chapter and verse about the beating of Rodney King, but I bet if you asked them if they remembered the beating of Reginald Denny, they'd look blank... 

“There are these situations when individuals in the police force do awful, terrible, unspeakable things that they need to be held responsible for, but maybe cops are assigned to handle too wide a variety of things. Maybe in a lot of cases it would make more sense for a social worker to show up instead of a guy with a gun.”

It's a toss up who does more damage, actually! 


CJ Nerd said...

I can't find the quote online, but a police blogger- I think Nightjack- wrote something like "There is no situation so bad, so dire, so irremediably f****d up, that it cannot be made worse by adding a youth social worker to the mix".

Anonymous said...

Please feel free to send social services a few times to deal with violent men. But just don't ask them after 5pm Mon to Friday or anytime at weekends.
Most social workers I have met are wetter than a haddock's bathing costume.

Unknown said...

The several hundred lefty youngsters who were murdered on that Swedish (Norwegian?) Island would have preferred a social worker or armed cop to show up?

JuliaM said...

"...but a police blogger- I think Nightjack- wrote ..."

I think you're right. He's sadly missed on the blogging front.

"But just don't ask them after 5pm Mon to Friday or anytime at weekends."


"The several hundred lefty youngsters who were murdered on that Swedish (Norwegian?) Island would have preferred a social worker or armed cop to show up?"
