Monday, 7 September 2020

Why Should The Police Take More Care Than Her Family?

Her older brother, Julius, 21, said Dada regularly threatened her with violence if she went to police.
One time, Julius said he contacted police after Dada threatened to kill his girlfriend because he suspected she had been talking to other boys.
'She told me in [Romanian] not to saying anything because he had a machete in his trousers,' he recalled.
Julius said Dada was a psychopath whose controlling behaviour regularly led to violence, including when he threw his girlfriend out of his flat naked and forced her to get a taxi home.

This appears to have gone on quite a while. Did her family do nothing? Did they originally not query their 17 year old daughter hooking up with a street thug? 

Never mind, though. The real villains of the piece are the ones who didn't fill in the paperwork correctly... 

The two Metropolitan Police constables will face claims that their performance was grossly incompetent in a two-day hearing beginning on September 8. It is claimed that, on June 23 2018, at an address in Forest Hill and at Lewisham police station, both in south-east London, they:
  • Failed to acknowledge a member of the public was reporting criminal allegations of harassment and offences under the Public Order Act;
  • Failed to take positive action as a result of that allegation;
  • Failed to complete risk assessments relating to a vulnerable victim of domestic abuse;
  • Failed to safeguard a child (Miss Makunova) in failing to complete a report for a database containing details of minors who have had contact with police.
PC Dennis is also accused of providing false and misleading information on a crime report. It is claimed the officer wrongly recorded that Miss Makunova did not want to make a statement when she had not been asked to do so; wrongly stated that a risk assessment form had been completed; and incorrectly said that she had refused to answer some questions.

I can't really blame them for not caring. No-one else seems to have... 


Just Trevor said...

Suicide by reckless mating.

MTG said...

So much alleged police misconduct that you missed their deliberate lies in false accounts to pervert justice and cover up their failures and crimes? We should suspect far deeper corruption in these swamp waters. You know, like taking fat, brown envelopes from drug dealers.

How rotten do police have to be before you do care, JuliaM?

Anonymous said...

WTF are these people doing in the UK anyway?

Anonymous said...

Machete in his trousers? Chopper, surely?

Anonymous said...

I've been watching 'Line of Duty' on catch-up TV. It's not very realistic, is it? Far too many honest coppers!

Greencoat said...

The real failures are the useless, lying politicians who allow these savages into the UK.

UsedtobeBanned said...

Coppers went all wrong when they stopped smoking and having piss ups after a quality bust.

Anonymous said...

Domestics are poison and especially where young girls are attracted to gangster scum who think their man is cool until he turns on the woman. As they always do.
As for the PC'S, they are toast. The community safety units in police stations are filled with young female officers who have very little street service and just want to get out of uniform and dodge shift work. They know the score if they do something wrong as every domestic is a potential murder.
Where police often go wrong is that when an individual makes an error he or she tries to cover it up which when discovered makes it much much worse. Be honest and put your hands up. No one is perfect (apart from Melvin obviously) and we all make mistakes.

Anonymous said...

The most common defence of a member of the police federation is to a cloak serious crime with the euphemism 'mistake'.

There have been more outrageous attempts by police to pervert the course of justice. A Met plod who was recently involved in stealing evidence from his own station, claimed to be a Thespian and his latest script called for him to steal drugs. Being so engrossed in the part, he had lost the ability to separate a fictional role from reality.

I readily confess a sneaky admiration for that 'mistake', WC Jaded.

Anonymous said...

The girl that died did not make any allegation of violence when police attended her house and lied about her age. This lie made her 18 and an adult. Had she told the truth and said she was 17 then different action would have been taken. But let's always blame the police when these robbers dogs die at the hands of violent men.

JuliaM said...

"Suicide by reckless mating."

I'd previously assumed Romanian family customs were pretty strict. Maybe this is an outlier?

" missed their deliberate lies in false accounts to pervert justice..."

They falsified records. Yes, and? Puts them in the same boat with NHS staff, doesn't it?

JuliaM said...

"I've been watching 'Line of Duty' on catch-up TV. It's not very realistic, is it? Far too many honest coppers!"


"Coppers went all wrong when they stopped smoking and having piss ups after a quality bust."

And now I have 'The Sweeney' theme as an earworm...

"Domestics are poison and especially where young girls are attracted to gangster scum.."

I can well believe it. This girl's picture should be in the dictionary as a definition of the term 'thankless task'.

"As for the PC'S, they are toast."

Well, actually, no. Written improvement notices. Seems appropriate, given their level of culpability in this sorry tale.