Wednesday 9 September 2020

And How Did You Get To Granada, Barbara?

A British woman living in Spain who helped 11 Syrian asylum seekers who were left homeless and hungry on the streets of Madrid after being forcibly removed from the UK has said she is ashamed of the UK government’s behaviour.
“As a UK citizen I am ashamed that our government would leave asylum seekers on the streets with absolutely no support. As I see it the only difference between me and this group of people is luck.

Apart from the fact that you legally flew into Granada airport waving a passport and clutching a job offer, you mean? 

Say, what do you do there, anyway? adviser to corporate companies about social responsibility, who is based in Granada...

Perhaps they might want to reconsider hiring you. You're more of a parasite than any economic refugee. 


Stonyground said...

Why is it our fault that the Spanish aren't looking after these people? If they were in the uk illegally then it correct that they should be deported, what happens after that is nothing to do with us.

Fahrenheit211 said...

I agree with Stonyground. These invaders had no right to be in the UK so we quite rightly deported them. They are not our problem. That Barbara Pomfret seems like a right piece of lefty parasitical 'work'. She's one of these social justice parasites who have managed to latch on to companies desperate to virtue signal about whatever is the current lefty cause of the day. Definitely not a person who I would call an asset to the bottom line. See the website here:

Just Trevor said...

She was probably propelled there thanks to Fairtrade™ organic quinoa-induced flatulence.

Timbotoo said...

I appear to have mislaid my sad trombone.

Just Trevor said...

Timbotoo, perhaps it's in the same place as Julia's violin. Just a hunch.

JuliaM said...

"Why is it our fault that the Spanish aren't looking after these people?"

Beats me. Or why we should care about it even if it was.

"She's one of these social justice parasites who have managed to latch on to companies desperate to virtue signal about whatever is the current lefty cause of the day. "

Spot on!

"I appear to have mislaid my sad trombone."

Me too! I think it's down the back of my sofa with my GiveAFuckOmeter...