Wednesday 2 September 2020

"I don't know why he was naked but I felt that was very wrong."

Margarida Lopes, 50, said she had seen the victim running through the corridors of her building during the incident.
She said: 'They really jump across the balconies here, from above and over the brick walls. They used to do that some years ago.
'The thing that shocked me was that he was completely naked and nobody was thinking about his dignity.'

'Dignity' isn't a word usually associated with these communities, is it? Perhaps that's why they rarely seem to rise above the level of animals... 

Police said that a 26-year-old man with stab injuries was found near the scene and was arrested on suspicion of conspiracy to murder but has since been released and remains in hospital but his injuries are not believed to be life-threatening.
A 19-year-old man has since been arrested on suspicion of murder and GBH has been released on bail.
Detective Chief Inspector Richard Vandenbergh has urged any witnesses to come forward, especially those who may have video or dash cam footage.

I'm sure if they do, their first port of call will be social media. Not the police.  


Anonymous said...

Why is it a problem if there is one less of the scum?

JuliaM said...

It isn't for me!