Monday, 25 January 2021

They Should Call It The Hypocritic Oath...

Leading intensive care doctors have told NHS staff not to blame people breaching lockdown rules for hospitals coming close to breaking point and for the death toll from Covid nearing 100,000.

Oh? What have they been saying, then? 

In an example of blaming the public for patients dying, Professor Richard Schilling, a leading cardiologist at an NHS hospital in London, tweeted recently his view that: “Joining the chain of death should have the same social stigma as drunk driving. One good reason: my wife [also a doctor] and I have seen pregnant women in different hospitals dying of Covid with teams standing by to cut the baby out post-mortem. Good enough?”

Well, actually, no... 


Doonhamer said...

We must have missed his prognostications about hospitals being breeding grounds for all sorts of life extinguishing bacteria, virii, fungi, mal-practice etc.
Maybe his paymasters forbid such scaremongering which might frighten the plebs..
Or maybe the NHS lawyers and their colleagues will come down like a load of improperly disinfected bricks on any such talk which might interrupt the flow of gravy coming down the track.

Anonymous said...

WHat happened to the theme that BAME people were more affected with WuFlu? Is it because it dawned on the woke MSM that this could be a factor in the spread, that immigrants came here for the benefits and brought their shitty, disease-spreading, culture with them?

JuliaM said...

"Maybe his paymasters forbid such scaremongering which might frighten the plebs.."

I doubt they need to - so many do genuinely seem to have drunk the Kool Aid.

"WHat happened to the theme that BAME people were more affected with WuFlu?"

It's still being pushed by the usual suspects, mainly to demand preferential treatment as a result...

Anonymous said...[][!=][]