Thursday, 6 October 2022

"Ah, Plucky Little Ukraine..!"

Wait, what..?

A list passed to this newspaper by a Kyiv government source identifies 29 such retribution killings, with 13 more assassination attempts that left some targets wounded.

Well, hopefully the Ukrainian government will get a grip on such war crimes. After all, they won't want to show they are just like their Russian enemy, will they? 

A hunt has been declared on collaborators and their life is not protected by law,’ said Anton Gerashchenko, an adviser to the interior ministry.
‘Our intelligence services are eliminating them, shooting them like pigs.


Well, hopefully they won't do it with anything we've sent them? Because they would make us complicit, wouldn't it?


MTG said...

Zelensky's gang are a bigger planetary threat than Putin will ever be.

The Jannie said...

The man in the street in Ukraine is buggered whichever way he turns. From what I've read the country is split fairly evenly between right wing extremists under Zelensky and pro-Russian extremists (are they left or right?) wanting Putin to win. As usual the civilians pay the butcher's bill.

Bucko said...

This whole thing just keeps getting worse. And still our PM won't shut up about how 'the UK' is totally behind Ukraine

JuliaM said...

"Zelensky's gang are a bigger planetary threat than Putin will ever be."

I'm ambivalent about Putin - the western governments' attempts to make him into some sort of Bond villain cut no ice with me.

"The man in the street in Ukraine is buggered whichever way he turns. "

Ain't it always the way?

"This whole thing just keeps getting worse. "

And now we have the bridge disaster...