Tuesday 11 October 2022

Easy to See Where She Gets Them From...

Pattyson and his partner were called to collect the student due to behavioural problems.
And they apologised to the headmaster and took their errant child home for a stern talking to, yes? 

Shaun Pattyson, 27, knocked victim Robert Swindells to the ground at Chesterton Community Sports College before the prosecution allege he punched and kicked him.
Magistrates adjourned the case and next month Pattyson will learn his fate at North Staffordshire Justice Centre.

It shouldn't take them long... 

Emma Thompson, prosecuting, said the headteacher had worked at the school for 25 years and has been head for ten years, StokeonTrentLive reports. She said Chesterton Community Sports College had been experiencing issues with the girl for some time, including swearing at teachers.
The student's parents were called in on May 9. Miss Thompson added: "The headteacher had a conversation with the child's mum on the phone and she said she would come immediately to collect the child. The child went to the front entrance and began being rude. Within ten minutes the child's parents arrived.
"The mother approached the front entrance and shouted at the child to get a phone. The child went to collect the phone.
"The defendant appeared and squared up to the headteacher. The headteacher could not remember what he said to him but the defendant was swearing at him before head-butting him. It connected with the right side of his face just below his right eye. He immediately fell to the floor as a result of the headbutt. He felt the defendant kicked and punched him for approximately ten seconds."
The defendant made full admissions when interviewed by police. Miss Thompson said: "He said he headbutted the headteacher. He was shown the CCTV and admitted it was him head-butting, punching and kicking the victim. He said he believed the headteacher was a bully and that is why he assaulted him."

Open and shut, surely? 

Pattyson, of Brewester Road, Bucknall, admitted common assault. Representing himself, the defendant said: "I'll admit to head-butting him because I did. I admit to punching him. I did not kick him. If this is on CCTV, show it to prove I did not kick him."

Might as well take the kid out of school, anything bred by these two isn't going to learn anything anyway... 


Anonymous said...

Nice to see he dressed up smartly to appear at court.
Put on his best tracksuit and beany hat to impress the magistrates with just a hint of neck tattoo.

Anonymous said...

I think that I might support your viewpoint, Julia, if my school experiences hadn't been so hideous. I was dragged around the country by my parents as my father was in the army and had a lot of postings, so that I ended up attending 10 different schools. In my schooldays I saw paedophile teachers, bullies, thieves, pacifists who wouldn't talk to children of service personnel, and teachers who ran all manner of scams ranging from stealing the dinner money to running the only shops that supplied the approved school uniform.

Having said the above, there is of course the whole issue of the scum families, school bullies, bullies from another school, worsened by the issues of immigrants, knife crime, and so on. As to corporal punishment, it did keep a lot of kids in line, and I never minded being caned if I was actually guilty. I have to say that it annoyed me (and my schoolmates) intensely when the beating was simply handed out on a whim, especially in the schools where it was done by senior pupils.

The question in this case is was there a real justification, or was the kid unruly and a liar. In my experience, one never told one's parents, as there was never a clear boundary between being told that you deserved it, or provoking something in the way of a complaint to the school that would make your subsequent school career an even worse sort of hell.

I'm 75, Julia, and maybe the boot is on the other foot these days, but while I share your indignation up to a point, I met many teachers who I would dearly loved to suffer their own kicking.

JuliaM said...

"Nice to see he dressed up smartly to appear at court."


"...if my school experiences hadn't been so hideous."

I'm sure some schools were no picnic, and teachers with a sadistic side were excused and even encouraged. But no-one can say the pendulum hasn't swung too far in the other direction now, surely?