Monday 31 October 2022

And Wasn't He Entitled To..?

The sitting judge said he doubted Kerrie's version of events, however, noting that he 'armed himself quickly'.

As would I under the circumstances: 

Power had been drinking when he returned home at around 3am to discover his car had been damaged. He believed Kerrie had wrecked the car, and went to confront the teenager, according to The Mirror.The fisherman smashed the front window of the Kerrie home with a rock before entering through the front door. Kerrie told the police that he found a knife by the side of the bed and stabbed Power after his mother was attacked.
He defends himself from an intruder and yet is the one sent to jail..? 

After a four year trial nightmare where two murder trials failed to reach a verdict..?

Wow! And I thought the English justice system was poor...


Anonymous said...

But it is Ireland, where the morons can set off bombs and kill all manner of people and be hailed as heroes.

JuliaM said...

True, true...