Wednesday 26 October 2022

Another Case Of 'No Humans Involved'...

Police confirmed one man, a musician of Somali heritage known by his street name 'Giddy' and who boasted of killing members of a rival gang, was found dead inside a property in Henley Road, Ilford at midnight on Tuesday.
Music videos shared by the rapper on his social media pages and across YouTube detail ferocious attacks on members of Manor Park - a separate Newham-based gang that has been embroiled in turf wars for many years.

Also another case of 'live by the sword...'. 


Bucko said...

What a loss to society. We will keep importing the gutter trash though. Human rights, innit

Anonymous said...

Now where's my give-a-fuckometer? There it is. Minus 10.

Ian J said...

At least we won't have to put up with his contributions to 'our' culture any more.

The Jannie said...

Musician? Rapper? Today's oxymoron of choice . . . .

Anonymous said...

Two things to follow.
His parents crying at a news conference saying what a good lad he was, looked after his grand-mother, went to church, worked at a soup kitchen etc etc. Why don't any of the reporters ask any difficult questions (like they do when politicians are under the cosh)?

A senior officer doing an appeal asking for help from the "community". I can almost hear the words "whatever his lifestyle he didn't deserve to die" (Yes he did)

MTG1 said...

Shame about that. Anyway, I hadn't realised that the definition of 'Musician' was so wokenly elastic.

Whatever next...bagpipes in the LSO?

Ed P said...

Oh dear, how sad, never mind.

MTG said...

You are not meant to play God in your uniform, WC Jaded. That 'everyone deserves to live' is the best prophylaxis for someone with a subconscious intent to harm others but with access to lawfully held, loaded firearms.

JuliaM said...

"What a loss to society."

Average IQ just went up a fraction though!

"Musician? Rapper? Today's oxymoron of choice . . "

I don't think the MOBOs will be overly lacking in 'talent' this year...

"A senior officer doing an appeal asking for help from the "community". I can almost hear the words "whatever his lifestyle he didn't deserve to die" (Yes he did)"
