Tuesday 28 November 2023

I'm Sure These Are Aberrations...

Three police forces are investigating suspected antisemitic hate speech at four separate mosques around Britain, it was reported last night. Footage of preachers calling for Jews to be slaughtered and Israel to be destroyed has been handed to detectives at West Midlands Police, Scotland Yard and Northamptonshire Police by reporters from TalkTV.
The broadcaster reported that a preacher at the Redbridge Islamic Centre in Ilford, east London, asked his congregation in Arabic to join him in cursing the Jews and children of Israel.

I'm sure it doesn't go on in more than just these handful of mosques. Aren't you, Reader? 

A Metropolitan Police spokesman said its officers continued to make a number of enquiries after being made aware of the video but there had been no arrests.

Gosh, another surprise! Well, that's the Met for you,

West Midland and Northamptonshire police forces confirmed officers were assessing the contents of a number of videos to determine whether a criminal offence had been committed.

Oh. Police cowardice. Something else that's pretty widespread, then... 


Umbongo said...

I wonder how many Arabic-speaking members of the police force in Northamptonshire or the West Midlands (or, for that matter, members of the Met) are not Moslem. A vanishingly small number I suspect. Moreover, don't forget that in respect of their religion, Moslems are enjoined to practise taqiyya (lying in the interests of the faith). I expect the memory holes at police HQs nationally are stuffed with press and other reports concerning hate speech by Moslem clerics.

Anonymous said...

I see that the Chinese are demolishing mosques.

Goes to prove that the Chinese aren't all bad.

JuliaM said...

"Moreover, don't forget that in respect of their religion, Moslems are enjoined to practise taqiyya (lying in the interests of the faith). "

The very fact this wretched 'religion' has such a concept should prove its incompatability with normal UK life.

"I see that the Chinese are demolishing mosques.

Goes to prove that the Chinese aren't all bad."

I wonder why the usual suspects aren't marching on the Chinese Embassy?