Tuesday 21 November 2023

Step In And Help? Nah...

This is the moment a gang of hooded thugs today kicked and punched a police officer in a McDonald's as they pinned him to the floor.
An elderly man tries to assist the downed officer by trying to push one of the men off him, as a female officer also tries to help her colleague in vain.

She's useless. Not a surprise.  

The three attackers then quickly flee out the open door. One of them in the blue coat is grabbed by the female officer and trips over, but he successfully gets away after being helped by his accomplice.

They'd been sent to investigate a report of a robbery, apparently.  

Chief Superintendent Clair Kelland, lead for policing in Kingston, said: 'I know members of the public will be disgusted by the assault on my officers.'

Frankly, while I would have been a few years ago, now I'm pretty ambivalent.  


Lord T said...

They will catch them. All assets will be retasked from mean tweet division to hunting them down.

It won't stop it though. Next time they will also beat her up as well. Personally, I think they should be done for sex discrimination as well. I'm fed up with us blokes being beaten up alone.

Maybe there is a bit of chivalry left in the UK.

KJP said...

There were three of them...they did not need help.

Stonyground said...

"Frankly, while I would have been a few years ago, now I'm pretty ambivalent."

Yes, you reap what you sow. Particularly in London where pro Palistine marchers are being allowed to get away with incitement to acts of violence while anyone who challenges them is arrested and charged with anything they can think up. The guy who tried to help is lucky he didn't get himself arrested.

Andy5759 said...

Stonyground, they will be questioning him as to why he was "interfering in a police operation".

MTG said...

Folk often refer to mixed feelings about plod. The sight of the latter usually promotes a reflex sneer but I love to see them on the ground shouting for help. Had I been in McDonald's in time for this happy meal, I would certainly have stopped to capture a video for private treats.

Anonymous said...

What the hell do they teach the Police these days?Pepper spray to their faces, making it difficult to see or breathe. Baton strikes to their knees will make it difficult to run away. Quickcuff one to another will make it even more difficult to avoid arrest. The third, who will probably hobble away, can be picked up later, either at his home, after having his front door smashed in, pleasing his parents, or on his way there.
I agree that the female was useless. In cases like this, Home Office approved restraining holds are a waste of time, as are recruiting wallflowers who are more suited to helping old ladies across the road than actually keeping the peace.

Anonymous said...

The son of good friends of mine started in the Met last week. He's a great lad, fit and strong with a degree and he will do well. He rang me last week to tell how he's getting on. He's in a class of 25 with a sister class the same size. I was shocked to hear that out of 50 trainees-46 are women!!! So expect a lot more videos like this where the male PC gets a pummelling whilst the diversity hire stands there looking wet.

JuliaM said...

"It won't stop it though. Next time they will also beat her up as well."

I'm astounded they didn't start with her!

"There were three of them...they did not need help."

Just two cops, and one bystander.

"Yes, you reap what you sow."

I wonder if that's sunk in to the cops on the ground? It certainly hasn't to the top brass.

"What the hell do they teach the Police these days?"

How to hold hands and sing 'Kumbayah'...

"I was shocked to hear that out of 50 trainees-46 are women!!! "

I'm not. Emasculating the justice system is first step on The List isn't it?