Thursday 21 July 2011

It’s Not Just Those Institutions, Is It?

Dr Nicholas Newcombe turned a blind eye while his wife, Dr Jill Newcombe-Buley punched, slapped and smothered the three children and hit one with a stiletto and another with a dustbin lid.
Not their own children, oh no.

These were adopted children, placed with them – unbelievably – by Cheshire SS.
A review of the case discovered that social services had ignored the warnings of one of the children and it was only when a consultant paediatrician intervened that the abuse was uncovered.
The case beggers belief in so many ways…
Cheshire East Local Safeguarding Children board found that the institutions that should have protected the children had been blinded by 'perceptions and assumptions' about the couple's social standing.
In other words ‘No, they are middle-class doctors, pillars of the community, they’d never do such a thing!’.

So what was the point of all those advertising campaigns telling people that abuse is found in all sorts of families? Especially if it seems it was never included in your own training material…?
Mr Brabbs said: 'The children went from being "rescued" from the exposure to significant harm within their birth family only to end up being placed in another abusive situation where they were subjected to repeated and systematic physical abuse, emotional harm and neglect.

'The specific nature of the abuse, and the manner in which it was carried out, by adults who chose to adopt vulnerable children, is hard to comprehend.'
Quite. And this was across the board, not one institution’s failing, but that of several:

Chris Brabbs, author of a report by a serious case review panel came to the 'inescapable conclusion is that the children were badly let down by all four schools who failed to record, or act on, their direct observations of a number of indicators of possible physical neglect and/or emotional abuse'.

Adding that the children had built up 'enormous resilience' and staff struggled to make sense of the contradictory evidence of the children doing well at school.

School friends had also tried to raise the alarm, and for this they were praised, but again social services failed to act saying there was not enough evidence to support their claims.

He concluded by saying that alarm bells should have rung at Stoke-on-Trent social services when it was revealed that the couple had never lived together, they had huge work pressures and a lack of experience around children.

Alarm bells shouldn’t have been ringing, because they should never, ever have been offered these children in the first place!

So, why were they?
'The adoption panel allowed itself to be sucked into the attractiveness of the fact that these applicants were offering a rare and highly sought after commodity - a willingness to take a sibling group of three,' Mr Brabbs said.
I suspect they’d have offered them the children even if they’d smoked! No, wait, let's not go too far.

But the justice system seems to have been ‘blinded by 'perceptions and assumptions' about the couple's social standing’ as well, given the utterly pathetic sentences:
In October 2010 Dr Newcombe-Buley was given a four year prison sentence for child cruelty while her husband was given a 12-month suspended sentence after admitting neglect.
Out, and no doubt working in a town near you. Maybe even your GP?

But it’s not his fault, oh no. He’s the victim here, along with his bitch of a wife.

They shouldn’t have been given the children, you see…
Dr Newcombe, who has since moved to Macclesfield, has said he was too busy to meet Mr Brabbs adding that he was 'still finding the whole situation extremely upsetting' adding that he, Dr Newcombe-Buley and the children were 'badly let down' by social services.

He claimed they were negligent in placing three young children with two parents with almost no experience of looking after children, and that they did not provide sufficient practical and emotional support.
Did it not occur to you or Ilsa The She-Wolf to say ‘No’?

And just what sort of ‘practical and emotional support’ did you, an educated man, need in order to not treat your children like a barely sub-human savage…?


Shinar's Basket Case said...

And some people worry about 2nd hand smoke???!

Sweet Jesus, it's fucking obvious what *is* going to 'do' for humanity and it sure as hell ain't carcinogens.

Dr.Mengele sends his regards btw.

Can I safely assume both these 'doctors', and i use the word only in the sense that they have obtained medical degrees, will now be struck off? (that was a joke , i'm not that naive)

Dr.Mengele sends his regards btw.

James Higham said...

And just what sort of ‘practical and emotional support’ did you, an educated man, need in order to not treat your children like a barely sub-human savage…?

Key point right at the end. Victimhood, while the real victims are outraged.

Mr Grumpy said...

At least the kids are alive. How many stories like this one are hidden away among the cot death statistics?

Gallovidian said...

Say what you like about the daily Mail but those cunts at the Guardian would simply cover this up.

Dr Evil said...

I do find it shocking that a medic didn't realise he was being neglectful and that his wife was wantonly cruel. This is frankly disgusting.

Shinar's Basket Case said...

"Say what you like about the daily Mail but those cunts at the Guardian would simply cover this up."

As much as i despise the Daily Xenophobe and Diana Worshiper, and those who 'read' it, I *do* have to agree with you on that point...much as it pains me to say anything good about that rag.

Captain Haddock said...

For once, words fail me ..

I give up with this country, I really do ..

Anonymous said...

Erm... be very very careful to judge this one, it may not be what it seems... :(


1. The 'abuse' appears to be of a certain kind, and that's usually meted out by desperate people who have lost all control, in a vain attempt to regain it.

Even nice people can really get sucked into a cycle here, and end up in a very bad space. But, the motive wasn't sadism, in fact, the reason is absent... hmm, wonder why?

Fact is, a lot of parental abuse is rooted in helplessness and fear of what happens when one does not succeed in controlling this seemingly mad child. It can easily grow into a battle of wills... between equals. I know kids are supposed to be kids, but some are fully adult in parts way before their time.

2. The second hand kids already came severely damaged (if you read between the lines). Those kids can be angels... of hell. Not every damaged kid is a victim, some of them turn into perps and predators. True, it's their way to survive, but it's costly on their surroundings. People don't realise that not being able to bond to a parent turns babies into quasi-adults emotionally -- they do not accept authority at all once they had too many adults try to assume it for example. By the time they hit 3, you will not be able to reach them, they will never trust, often are not able to forgive, because those who forgive get given more of the same...

3. Don't believe anything the SS claims to be true, especially not the NuLaborBorn division.

4. Anyone who offers children for adoption above the age of a few hours, who also have a psychotic parenting abuse by people they were imprinted on is asking for trouble when they hand them to 'nice middle class people'.

The couple was spot on with argument that the adopters being let down and ending up in that desperate situation where applied violence becomes normal, especially wit he idea that 'nice middle class folk' ought to be able to cope. Well, they are not coping and won't be, and when it fails, it ends up looking like that that crazy crap. Cool, those predictable social experiments, eh? They are not the first to be palmed off with changelings and won't be the last...

Btw, not even 'support' will help those people, no-one had a working method to get those kids to join society. A few of of the kids make it, but it's their personality, and nothing to do with 'chances' or 'breaks'.
(Don't ever be led to believe it works for the sad majority...)

Which is why adopting damaged children is a bad idea for everyone concerned --'nobody's children' deserve better than that, and so do the people who get roped into 'adopting' them, all in the name of saving the SS budget...

Shinar's Basket Case said...

@ Anon 20:05

You make some very reasoned, well thought out points. But you ignore the fact that these adopted parents failed to get help when they found they couldn't cope with the Spawn of Satan.

THAT was the single inexcusable act, not the abuse itself, and the reason they should both be in prison.

There can be NO excuse, no matter what, for two DOCTORS (ie educated and wealthy) not to have picked up the phone.

Would help have been forth coming? No probably not and all that would have happened is the kids would have found themselves back incare and separated but that doesn't excuse the couple's inhumane and disgusting behaviour.

The first time the husband noticed that his wife was abusing the kids (and don't tell me he didn't) then he had a sacred duty, not just as a doctor but simply as a human being, to throw her out of the house and call the police. BASTA , there can be no excuse. Adopted or not he has to have been a parent not a spouse first. He failed in both, hell he failed as a man.

Mike said...

@SBC too fucking right, man, woman I don't care if you see someone downed do you stomp on their head? we are talking about children and adults here, ie no contest.

Mike said...

fuck it lets go on a kick shite out of the drunk, poor, homeless, fekless, wasters spree shall we. and then wank on their guts.


Mike said...

cause the problem, walk away, be part of the problem. it is a choice.

Shinar's Basket Case said...

*Edit to my earlier post, I meant of course 'adoptive' not 'adopted'.

JuliaM said...

"Can I safely assume both these 'doctors', and i use the word only in the sense that they have obtained medical degrees, will now be struck off?"

I think it's easier to get off the US 'flight risk' watch list that to be struck off. So I very much doubt it.

"Key point right at the end. Victimhood..."

It seems to be what so many of these supposed professionals aspire to. Well, at least,. once they are caught.

"I do find it shocking that a medic didn't realise he was being neglectful and that his wife was wantonly cruel."

Me too. I wonder if his nose grew when he said it in court?

Or if his brief's did...

"Fact is, a lot of parental abuse is rooted in helplessness and fear of what happens when one does not succeed in controlling this seemingly mad child."

These aren't 'ordinary' foster parents - these are people who are trained and accredited. These are doctors.

Doctors who, once caught, plead a helplessness they certainly never projected in their professional lives.