Friday 8 July 2011

Perhaps You Can Only Afford The Back End..?

It’d still be highly appropriate:
Doubts are growing over the future of the project because now that detailed plans have been completed, the estimated costs have rocketed from £2m to £12m.
That’s a lotta horse…
Ben Ruse, a spokesman for the project said: 'How do you build a 50m horse that's going to be a permanent addition to the landscape? It would be irresponsible to plonk it in there and leave any maintenance costs to others.'

He added: 'We are not seeking any public funding for this. '
Which is probably why you’re struggling. Everyone else is far too sensible to part with the readies for such a barmy project even if we weren’t in a recession.

Hope springs eternal, though:
Wallinger's art dealer, Anthony Reynolds was bullish, saying: 'This is is a project that is meant to endure. Everything is proceeding well on the design and engineering front and there are active discussions under way on fundraising. Even in the current climate there is a huge amount of support for such an iconic landmark.'
But not financial support, clearly…


Shinar's Basket Case said...

"And I looked, and behold, a pale horse! And its rider did stable his steed unto the hamlet of Ebbsfleet in the Province of Kent as sign unto all men that this land be accursed."

Anonymous said...

And who, as with the concrete cows at Milton Keynes, is firing up the chain-saw for an act of tax-payer revenge?

Rob said...

How the fuck can you get the cost estimate for a sculpture wrong by such a colossal margin?

Saddle weary said...

"for future cleaning and maintenance, including the cost of graffiti removal for 80 years"

Surely the latter is only needed around the giant horse's fetlocks. Unless people in Kent are very tall.

Jiks said...

For 12 million quid I would expect a 50m high genitically engineered living horse with lasers for eyes not a rusting concrete one.

Captain Haddock said...

I have just two questions regarding the Concrete Horse of Kent ...

1 .. Is it necessary ?

2 .. Why ?

Shinar's Basket Case said...

"I have just two questions"

Asking sensible questions is a bad habit and will get you into trouble one of these days.

Captain Haddock said...

"Asking sensible questions is a bad habit and will get you into trouble one of these days" ...

Having once offered my opinion about certain matters to my Troop Commander, he replied " .... Haddock, you've got a way with words" ..

To which another NCO, standing nearby & earwigging replied .. "He has so far Sir" ... ;)

JuliaM said...

"And I looked, and behold, a pale horse!"


"And who, as with the concrete cows at Milton Keynes, is firing up the chain-saw for an act of tax-payer revenge?"

Oooh, I wouldn't want to be under it when it comes down!

"How the fuck can you get the cost estimate for a sculpture wrong by such a colossal margin?"

Because it's not for the sculpture itself, but for insurance, site security, etc.

"Surely the latter is only needed around the giant horse's fetlocks."

Never underestimate the climbing ability of the modern graffiti 'artist'...