Sunday 31 July 2011

Because Some People Just Don’t Learn Their Lesson…

A West Sussex man who was banned from keeping dogs after one of his pets mauled his niece to death has been fined for breaching the court order.
Yes, it’s this charming fellow again.
Urfan Ahmed, 33, admitted the charge at Haywards Heath Magistrates' Court, and was fined £500 after police found five dogs at his Crawley address.
No doubt the dogs were destroyed, but I can’t help but feel the wrong conscienceless beast got the needle…
Ch Insp Steve Curry, commander of the Crawley district, said: "Sussex police takes breaches of court orders very seriously.

"These orders are put in place for a good reason and people who breach them should expect to be brought to justice."
Or whatever approximation of it we have in this country….


Captain Haddock said...

"No doubt the dogs were destroyed, but I can’t help but feel the wrong conscienceless beast got the needle" …

I'm neither a dog nor cat lover .. in fact, I can't for the life of me fathom why people want to share their houses with the bloody things ..

But in this case, Julia .. I agree with you ..

This arse has really been punished, eh ?

Gallovidian said...


Antisthenes said...

The answer of course lies in the soil. Dig into it, build more prisons on it and stick more criminals in them.

SBC said...

"Ch Insp Steve Curry,.. said:".

Yesterday chocolate bar Indian food.

Sounds like bad korma to me.

Twenty_Rothmans said...

I thought that Allah-botherers had a thing about dogs.

If his dogs have a taste for members of his family and nobody else, by all means let him keep them.

Anonymous said...

Name sounds like a RoP person. But a Mo-boy owning dogs?

Perhaps that's the problem: perhaps no one at the mosque told him you need to feed them every so often.

JuliaM said...

"Yesterday chocolate bar Indian food.

Sounds like bad korma to me."


"I thought that Allah-botherers had a thing about dogs."

Me too. Perhaps he's lapsed..?

"Perhaps that's the problem: perhaps no one at the mosque told him you need to feed them every so often."

It's not like he's about to run out of female relatives, I suppose...