Thursday 8 October 2015

Well, Why Let The Greens Chase All The Serious Issues Of Government?

MPs are to investigate whether very thin models should be banned from British catwalks, after a petition calling for fashion week health checks reached 30,000 signatures.
Caroline Noakes MP, who heads the all parliamentary group on body image, is to invite senior members of the fashion industry to get their views on whether legislation is needed to protect young models from feeling pressured to lose dangerous amounts of weight.
Good grief, I thought the marriage certificate issue was scraping the barrel, but this..!?
Rosie Nelson, a 23-year-old size 8 model from Sandhurst, who has worked on shoots for Vogue Australia and Ben Sherman, started her petition to call for a law change.
“When I walked into one of the UK’s biggest model agencies last year they told me I ticked all the boxes except one – I needed to lose weight. So I did,” she wrote in her introduction to the petition.
Well, then, maybe you are at fault, not them?


Barman said...

I thought there was an obesity crisis and everybody in the country is now a lardarse...?

Trevor said...

And that's what passes for a Conservative in the 21st century. Any Conservative Party worthy of the name should be working round the clock repealing legislation, abolishing quangos, closing universities, etc.

Ted Treen said...

But most 'fashion designers' are gay so tend towards a preference for the androgynous appearance. It's we (obviously perverted) hetero's who like to see a female with a figure as nature intended.

JuliaM said...

"I thought there was an obesity crisis and everybody in the country is now a lardarse...?"

Hard to keep up, isn't it?

"And that's what passes for a Conservative in the 21st century."

It's an unimpressive bunch, to be saure...

"It's we (obviously perverted) hetero's who like to see a female with a figure as nature intended."

Thank god!