Sunday 25 October 2015

Oh, I Think They Do, Australia...

...after all, both have careers languishing on the endangered list.


Anonymous said...

If Morissey is against it, it's a good idea.

Flaxen Saxon said...

Poor Brigette understands fuck all these day. Too much wading in cat piss and shit has bothered her mind. The ammonia must turn your mind. Very sad, in the 1960s she was smoking hot. Very sad. Nowadays she is just 'stinky cat pee and shit', lady. How sad.

Northish said...

FS, it's the effects of the cerebral toxocariasis (the parasite toxocara is easily transmitted from cats to humans). In days gone by the poor buggers would have been burned or drowned as witches.

JuliaM said...

"If Morissey is against it, it's a good idea."

Words to live by!