Monday 5 October 2015

Not Letting Them In Your Cab Is Bad Enough…

Mike claims Thames Valley Police officers first told him they would prosecute the cabbie for driving without due care and attention.
Well, one would hope so! Mount a pavement & hit a blind man’s guide dog, you’d expect that if you were a driver. Especially a cab driver…
But this week he received a call saying there would be no charge because it was "a lawful manoeuvre."
Wha..? So, it’s open season on the blind now?

Or, given the stunning indifference of the Met to this bus driver’s crazy actions – no arrest? Seriously? - (which could so easily have been a fatality) perhaps it’s open season on anyone?
And now Mike has been told he could face a claim from the cabbie's insurance for a dent caused when he hit the car.
Jesus wept!
A female passer-by who witnessed the event has since written a letter of complaint to the taxi company.
So it’s not even the usual police excuse of ‘no witnesses’..?


Anonymous said...

Is this a case of the police are afraid of the DONA* and all that represents? As for the insurance company they should be named and shamed.

*Driver Of No Appearance

MTG said...

Check out the police sniper team caught on a Manchester rooftop. High tech sniper rifle with telescopic sights (and silencer?) together with spotter assistants using tripod and hand-held spotter scopes. And DO check out the excuse, Julia. "We just couldn't put our hands on any binoculars".

Ted Treen said...

@Anonymous - We all know that "drivers of no appearance" detest dogs as unclean, and here in the Midlands, many are reported in the press as refusing to take guide dogs in their cabs.

JuliaM said...

"Is this a case of the police are afraid of the DONA* and all that represents? "

I DID wonder... That, or he's a Mason!

"And DO check out the excuse, Julia. "We just couldn't put our hands on any binoculars"."

Which is acceptable (the rifle optics are superior) provided the gun isn't loaded.