To the sound of a football match being played downstairs, I meet Islam and 17-year-old Maya from Syria, Arash and Samad, both 16, from Afghanistan, and 18-year-old Hamid from Iran, who is awaiting a court hearing about an age dispute.
All live with foster carers or family members and – with the help of the Children’s Society, one of three beneficiaries of the Guardian and Observer’s Christmas charity appeal – all have places at school, but the question of age hangs heavy and storm-like over the conversation.
Despite being a youth club, everybody here looks oddly ageless, in a way that quickly reminds you that children are not built for escaping from war alone, on dinghies and in crates. It’s not that these teenagers in their clean trainers and Adidas caps look old – it’s that they look exhausted.
It's because they are exhausted, poor little mites! Obvious, really...
It must have been a crap game of football if they were all knackered.
The Guardian is always bleating on about child poverty in the UK. Of course they are renown for publishing fake news. UK child poverty is measured relatively. So a UK child is poorer relatively to some other children in the UK but relative to children in many parts of the world they are positively wealthy. Guardian news on this subject is therefore fake and only told to garner support for it and their ideologically driven causes. However the point here is that the Guardian's faux compassion for UK children is relegated to second place when they are berating us about how we should all be hyper generous to refugees/economic migrants when they come to the UK. They are so dumb as is the normal state of left wingers that they fail to recognise that to help the second group robs the first group of the resources that the Guardian tell us they are so lacking.
Anti - you forgot the pecuniam arbor magicis.
The only overt racism was when a French doctor refused to treat one of their friends because they couldn't ask for help in French!! How is that racism, it is just good manners
They ones in the pic look quite chipper to me.
"It must have been a crap game of football if they were all knackered."
"How is that racism, it is just good manners"
They haven't learned French because they aren't genuine refugees, desperate for any refuge.
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