Wednesday 31 July 2019

Here's A Thought: Why Don't You Inform The Employer?

A nurse who attempted to inject a patient with unsterilised water has been struck off.
The Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) said the decision was made to “protect the public” as there was a “real risk of patient harm”.
I assume they mean 'more so than usual' in the NHS..?
Benjamin Ohisemuzaimen Isaiah was an agency staff member at the Critical Care unit at the Royal Sussex County Hospital.
Ah. One of those 'skilled immigrants' we can't do without, I suppose?
While working in 2014, Mr Isaiah was found to have drawn up unsterilised water into a syringe before attempting to inject into a patient’s catheter.
It also found that during a night shift on May 14 of that year, he failed to write any nursing notes for a patient.
The day after, Mr Isaiah made a catalogue of errors while treating another patient in the unit.
During the treatment, the committee found he failed to carry out adequate blood sugar level checks, did not record the patient had a “hypo” on the nursing plan, and failed to turn off the patient’s insulin infusion without intervention from a colleague.
The blunders led to an investigation by the NMC. It was found that Mr Isaiah failed to inform an employer about this investigation.
Why should you rely on the nurse under investigation to do that? They have a clear reason not to!


Stonyground said...

It sounds as though he isn't actually qualified and is basically just winging it.

JuliaM said...
