Friday 19 July 2019

Arms Race

A young mother was shot with a Taser in the street in front of shocked schoolchildren.
Bloody trigger happy police...

The disturbance broke out in front of shocked onlookers which included schoolchildren from St Nicholas School and the nearby Hamstel Junior School.
The young woman, who lives in Southend, was allegedly chased by two attackers, who she also claims were armed with a cosh, before they then fired a Taser at her. The incident took place near to the Premier Store at the corner of Sherwood Way.
Lovely! Chavs have Taser now. Superb.
Describing the incident on Facebook, the victim said: “Thankfully it was nothing too serious but there was talk of ammonia too.
“I got off lucky, as did my friends. I was helped so the only thing I have is a burn.
“I was actually petrified - I thought I was being chased with a knife.
“I would rather have an electric shock than a stab wound.
“Fortunately, I just have a couple of marks, some broken sandals and that is all.”
Seems a bit too nonchalant about assault, doesn't she?
Police were called and an investigation was launched to trace those involved. It is claimed the victim and her alleged attackers are known to each other and there is no wider threat to the public.
Officers have since arrested two individuals on firearms offences in connection with the incident.
How curious.

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