Saturday 20 July 2019

Well, It Shouldn't Have Been...

Assistant Chief Constable Geoff Wessell from West Mercia Police said: "PD Ivy's death was a shock to us all, in particular for those who were with her that day, all of whom remain deeply affected by it."
Why would it be a shock that leaving a dog unattended in a car on a hot day can result in its death? It's not like it hasn't happened before...
"We accept that PD Ivy should not have died as a result of heatstroke and we have learned this very harsh lesson in the worst possible way.
"We have therefore taken on board everything that the review has identified."
What a pity you didn't take on all the other lessons that other forces have leaned the hard way. Or maybe just listen to the advice you arrogantly dish out to the public?

Pity they just churn this stuff out, not actually read it...


MTG said...

"Pity they just churn this stuff out, not actually read it..."

The recurrent element of 'do as we say and not as we do' hypocrisy, sits alongside Mr Plod's recurrent pledge of 'lessons will be ignored', JuliaM. Compounding these problems are the contrasts in Plod anatomy; cerebral quantity and configuration differing from that found in healthy humans. Additionally, the Plod ear canal is surgically modified to bypass the cochleae in order to provide through ventilation for the standard hothead...a procedure which may also account for permanently vapid expressions and their bewilderment when assistance is sought by victims of crime.

Stonyground said...

Dogs die in hot cars. Who doesn't know this? How stupid do you need to be to let it happen?

JuliaM said...

"The recurrent element of 'do as we say and not as we do' hypocrisy, sits alongside Mr Plod's recurrent pledge of 'lessons will be ignored'..."

One for Priti to sort out...

"Who doesn't know this?"
