Saturday 6 July 2019

So, Just To Be Clear, Mark...

Hearing nothing, I recently let the RSC know that I feel I must resign as I do not wish to be associated with BP any more than I would with an arms dealer, a tobacco salesman or anyone who wilfully destroys the lives of others alive or unborn. Nor, I believe, would William Shakespeare. do you heat your house? Is it with the waves of smug superiority pouring off you?

And I presume, when you catch an Uber to the RSC, you insist it's electric. Oh, but wait! Where's the electricity come from? Better get on your bike.

You know what I think Shakespeare would have said about fossil fuels? "Gadzooks! No more lighting rushes to see in the dark? Verily, I pray thee, sign me up!"


Anonymous said...

I'm sure the RSC can find another bloke who can dress up and repeat words written by someone else, and they'd probably be cheaper.

CJ Nerd said...

What's priceless about this is, from the BBC report: "Rylance last appeared on stage for the RSC in 1989, when he had the lead roles in both Hamlet and Romeo and Juliet."

Anonymous said...

He'd better get in his sailing or rowing practice before his next gig abroad.

Hector Drummond, Vile Novelist said...

Is this the same Mark Rylance who played a hero in the film 'Dunkirk', whose heroism consisted of him burning up lots of petrol in his own boat, instead of rowing or using sails?

JuliaM said...

"I'm sure the RSC can find another bloke who can dress up and repeat words written by someone else, and they'd probably be cheaper. "

He should get on with filming 'Bring Up The Bodies'! I've been waiting ages for that...

"...the lead roles in both Hamlet and Romeo and Juliet.""


"He'd better get in his sailing or rowing practice before his next gig abroad."


"Is this the same Mark Rylance who played a hero in the film 'Dunkirk', whose heroism consisted of him burning up lots of petrol in his own boat, instead of rowing or using sails?"

It was a long enough film as it was!